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Full service station


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Here's the post card I was refering to in Mr' Earls post.

My friend at work found this card in NYC, and thought it a odd firnd first because of the 60 Buick but also because he remembers this gas station from when he was growing up. This is the station his Dad used to use all the time and he was there many times even in this time frame ( albeit at a very young age)

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Look at the car, no wonder they were getting that kind of service.

I used to love it when the new cars came out and we were always out looking at them when they came in for gas. Check the oil so you could see the engine, offer to check the air in the spare so you could check out the trunk.

But this was back when gas was 25 cents a gallon too.

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Guest 53Nailhead

Back in the late 60's my Father owned a Sunoco service station & that meant full service, you filled it, washed the windows, checked the oil & all the fluids as well as the tires, SMILING the whole time: rain, snow(it gets D@#%m COLD here) & shine! Always had a clean rag to wipe wherever you touched the car.Gas was about 39 cents & his mechanic made about 2.75/hr. Can't even imagine it!!! smirk.gifwink.gifThe city made us stay open late every 2nd thurs. & fri. night & you had to be closed on sundays. mad.gif

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Well, the belt buckle training was good for following this hobby. And I remmeber it too for the few months I lasted in the gas station business, before moving inside to a "soda jerk" job. Actually a big ice cream parlor, where you started bringing ice cream from the back freezer to the front counter, when we has more flavors then Baskin Robbins. Believe it or not, it kept one or two person busy on weekends in the summer, just doing that (and some dishwashing, floor mopping, as I recall) Still better then outside in the rain and snow, even though working on cars was more interesting.


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My years as a gas station employee were short but adventurous.

One night while alone on duty someone came in and asked for a fan belt. While I was rummaging through the pooly stocked selection in the garage, his partner came in and stole the cash register. Not just the cash, the entire freaking register!

Worst part was I couldn't find a belt to sell, and after he left, I didn't even notice the thing was gone for twenty minutes. When the next customer needed change and I couldn't find the damn thing I felt awful stupid.

Of course my days were limited after that. Just as well too I suppose.


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