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Its winter, Time to drive the cars ....

Bill Stoneberg

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When young I drove my Hupmobile for several winters. No heater, no defroster. It can be pretty cold here in Sweden. The only way of preventing frost and ice on the windscreen was to have it slightly opened. It was cooled.

Now days it stays in the garage all winter.

Before I bought the Hupp i had a model A Ford. One winter i should visit my sister in another town. On the way the rear gear broke down. After finding parts I had to repair the car on the spot when a snowstorm broke out. See attachment


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Well, there are many who questioned my sanity, but after 25 years in Tampa, Florida, the bride and I moved to northern Ohio just about a year ago. I actually find that I have more good weather days to enjoy the old cars here, than I did in Florida. All summer long, there, it was just too hot to enjoy them (and "Summer" means from April until late October!). Here, I can cruise around all summer, and not SWEAT! And in the winter, I can putter about in the garage, get things done. I prefer it here, having tried both climates. Although they are calling for up to 10" of snow tomorrow...

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I needed to reply and add my observations of winter driving. I live in Manitoba, just north of N Dakota. As I got up this morning I awoke to minus 25 F. Here in Canada we also refer to temperature in degrees Celcius, but I won't tell you what that is, because it just sounds colder.

We will have a wind chill of minus 40 ( same in F or C) to minus 45.

This is what we call a cold snap. And for people that say its not so bad because its a dry cold, they need to stand outside at that temperature beside a dead battery for 10 minutes and decide if dry cold is any different than just plain cold.

We do have beautiful summers here though, much like northern Ohio, just shorter.

We consider our cruising season here to consist of 18 weekends. Not Enough!

Every January 1 our local club has a frost bite tour. We do get some of the old cars out, but many go modern.

Happy Holidays.

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We went down to the valley (Rio Grande) for Christmas and the stangest thing happened. All over South Texas there was SNOW ! 13 inches in Victoria 4 inches in Galveston. We stayed up late on Christmas eve building snowman and having snowball fights. By the middle of Christmas day it was gone and it will be 65 here today.

But it was a great Christmas present as we have NEVER had a white Christmas since I have moved here 30 + years ago.

Now, I realize from watching the news that probably most of you all did have more snow then you wanted and it made a real mess of things. Sorry about that. We had a great time though, like little kids again.

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We had 12 inches of snow, then about 6 hours of pouring rain, then it dropped to 15 degrees and gave us another 8 inches of snow. I was shoveling snow on Thursday that went "SPLASH" every time I threw a shovelful. Each scoop must have weighed 50 pounds! Of course, it all turned to ice by nightfall. There aren't many houses around my neighborhood that haven't had their gutters ripped off by the huge ice dams that formed. Mine are still holding for the moment...

My wife's Audi with snow tires plowed through it without a hiccup, but my little Mazda with only FWD and snow tires got stuck when the snow piled so high underneath it that the tires couldn't get any traction. I doubt this would have happened to the Century!

How are these old cars in the snow, anyway (not that mine will ever see foul weather)? My '76 Eldorado convertible was virtually unstoppable with all that weight over the front tires. My father's 1930 Ford Model A roadster sliced through the snow <span style="font-style: italic">very</span> easily when we used it as background in that movie <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"A Christmas Story"</span></span> about 20 years ago.

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As Bill mentioned we had a couple of days of winter (should get 4 or 5 more), but by the middle of the week it will be in the mid 70's and I will be driving my CVT again....bicyles are too much like torture machines and besides I don't want to shave my legs or wear spandex.


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