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Happy New Year


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Guest rcirilli

Yes, and my computer is still ticking away. I guess it's chips didn't recognize 2000 or 2001. <P>Here's hoping all DF'ers have a great year.<BR>

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blush.gif I was sound asleep when 2001 arrived - don't drive anywhere New Years Eve - too many crazies out there! Woke up with snow all around and roads closed.<P>Didn't worry about the shifted Y2K - turned all my clocks back 100 years to prevent problems.<P>Happy New Year to all you DFers and John, I like your slogan. If our new AACA President does not pick it up, maybe we will make it the official DFers slogan. grin.gif
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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Novaman, Don't you have anything better to do at midnight! I was thinking about who would be the first on for the year. SalG

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Hey SalG, it's easy being the first on at midnight when you are working on your club's website when it rolls around. I was trying to get our car of the month changed over and was having a couple of problems. My computer has such a good memory that when i hit the refresh button for the page it showed what was there without the changes

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Novaman, You need to get out more. What happened to the steady girlfriend that you told me about at Hershey? SalG<BR>PS Just read your KK update, now I know why your computer was your New Years date. SG<p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 01-01-2001).]

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A good indication of how well we handle snow down here is that with about 4 inches on the ground, all the schools and most government and businesses close down. We're in North Alabama, almost 300 miles from the coast, so we don't worry about those hurricanes.<P>But we've got a big woodpile, a great woodstove, and electricity is still connected, so we'll just get caught up on the computer work.

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Ron<P>I know what you mean. Most people (at least the ones who live where it snows every year) laugh at us Southerners when we say that schools and roads are closed for just a couple inches of snow. The thing they don't realize is that the closest thing to a snow plow that our local governments own is a backhoe. The closest thing to a salt truck we have is a dumptruck full of sand and the largest amount of salt most of has ever seen was at a church sponsored homemade ice cream social. In addition, most Southerners who weren't raised on a muddy dirt road, don't have a clue how to drive on snow if their life depended on it. It pays to stay at home under those conditions.<P>

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Most southern cities don't have snow handling equipment and suffer the consequences when a rare snow storm hits. Around metro DC we have all the necessary equipment, bad weather communications, etc. Does not seem to make a difference, because four inches of snow at the wrong time of day closes schools and puts your federal govt. employees on "liberal leave", which is an interesting concept.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hi all, I remember the first time I went to Key West as a kid getting a good chuckle at the the sight of the local garbage trucks with a sign about free snow plowing. SalG

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