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Adjusting to the latesgt DF change

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

As we all know by now the main page of the DF has changed today, with the addition of the info at left. I think it will take a while to adapt. SalG

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Except for the information listed to the left, I do not see much changes in the DF board..unless I am missing something. It seems to operate the same as it did before. <P>It is good to see other collector car organizations participating in the disccussion forum... it increases the amount of sources available for obtaining information.<p>[This message has been edited by BruceW (edited 12-27-2000).]

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I'm a reformed Luddite, and I don't mind it.<BR>( reformed Luddites complain about technology, but use it anyway!) I call computers the "sorta" antichrist. I'm still gonna find a way to hook up my 1928 Kellogg<BR>candlestick phone to this darned machine, or put an bellows system in it like a player piano.<BR>RS

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Design wise I think the new look is just fine. I always thought most of the D.F.ers slanted a little to the right of center anyway. wink.gif<P>I do have one problem with it, though. Now when you call up a thread the screen is blank until the entire thread is loaded. Before we got the upper headings right away and then waited for the postings to load. This is an inconvience when loading up a multi-page thread (especially if you have a slow 56K modem like I do). You have to wait for the whole first page to load up before you can click on the page number you want (page 2, 3 etc.) Before all we had to do was click on that icon while the first page was still loading. <P>Is there some way that this function can be brought back? Perhaps the list of participating clubs doesn't have to appear with <I> every </I> page of each thread. I don't think anyone reads it after they first call up the initial menu page of threads anyway. <P>If it's going to be the eventual advertising banner, than we're probably stuck with it for every page. If so, maybe multi-page threads can be configured differently, with -say- the the most recent 50 postings automatically loaded upon call up. The rest of the thread would be accessable by calling up earlier page numbers. <P>It is just inconvenient enough to discourage the reading of large threads. I hope something can be done. Otherwise it's O.K. by me.

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peterg - this new format seems to create major problems with some PC configurations.<BR>One of my PCs is a 486 running Windows 3.1.<BR>It is not handling the left window listing and DF windows well at all. After a couple of thread exchanges the whole thread physically sinks to the last entry at the botton of the window screen. The only way to hold it is to click and hold the center bar.<BR>The Pentium II and Windows NT PCs obviously handle this new format flawlessly. Any other Win 3.1 users out there having problems? shocked.gif<P>

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All the browsers I have seem to load the new format okay. On my lap top with a small screen, I do miss having the full window width to read the threads.<P>As long as we are griping about the wonderful work PeterG has done, I would like to point out that the <a href="http://www.icab.de/smile.html">iCab web browser</a> notes many violations of the HTML language standards on this site. For fun I saved a page from the discussion forum and ran it through <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/">HTML Tidy</a> and it also noted many HTML errors. The chances are better that all browsers will display the page properly if the HTML code is compliant with published standards. I suspect that much of this is beyond PeterG's control as it depends on UBB software.<P> smile.gif On the other hand, getting a good current browser that runs on Win 3.1 is probably getting harder and harder. Maybe it is time for Ted to upgrade that machine.<P>------------------<BR><A HREF="http://www.ply33.com" TARGET=_blank>Plymouth: The First Decade</A>

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TodFitch - I'm not griping, just reporting and asking if this is a solvable problem. The 486 PC is maxed out for RAM, hard drive and peripherials, and, as a 16 bit machine, is extremely limited on browsers. My Pentium II (Win 95)and Pentium III NT machines are OK (different machines for different locations).

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Thanks for everyones input.<P>Most of the problems being reported are a "browser" issue. With MS Internet Explorer 5.5 i'm not experiencing any of the problems being reported. Considering its free for both Mac and Windows from <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com" TARGET=_blank>www.microsoft.com</A> I strongly request that for those who have display problems download it and see if the problem remains.<P>It also works with the latest versions of Netscape Navigator without a hitch.<P>As to HTML "errors". Not a lot I can do about it as stated. I use a "canned" program to generate this forum, and don't have much control over the HTML it generates. I don't really think its much of an issue anyway.<P>If anyone else has problems let me know.<P>Thanks,<P>Peter<P>------------------<BR>Peter Gariepy<BR>peterg@aaca.org<P>www.aaca.org

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Peter, Nice to see change once in a while that works. Great job I like it. Some of us here on the Left Coast tend to lean a little to the right anyway. grin.gifgrin.gif Keep up the good work.<P>KC

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Hi Guys, I don't mind the changes visually but I continue to print the activity on the Depot Hack for my father (who doesn't have or want a computer). Now I have to edit the format to print because of the additional space on the left margin. I suppose most people don't print from here but list of Participating Clubs does not print out when you print the discussions.....<BR>Just thought you might like to know in case nobody else has tried it.<BR>If you are really good at this stuff I bet you could fix it so when you print a discussion it captures everything you see on the screen.<BR>Good luck, Corinne

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