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How many members are needed to start a new Region?

Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

There is a possibility that we may be moving to an area that does not have an AACA chapter or region. If one were to want to get a charter for a new region, how many charter members would be required?

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A minimum of 15 AACA members are required to form a Region. A minimum of 5 AACA members and the parent Region are required for a chapter.

I would suggest that you call National and ask them to send you a charter package for you to look through. It will have everything you need - charter papers, instructions, sample by-laws, everything. Even if you think you are not ready yet, get the package, start reading and planning.

If I can help in any way, please let me know. I hace been through the charter process twice recently - both geographical and non-geographical. I have also helped many other chapters go through the process. It is not hard - I promise.

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Thanks to all. If I get the job (looks pretty promising), I'll send off for the package. It may take a whaile to get 15 interested folks together, but we'll see.


Thanks for the offer, but I have to follow the money. Post some photos of that Packard.

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

That's good news. I had wondered about that, but frankly had thought it would go the other way since both would have the same membership number. That does make it easier, doesn't it? Thanks.

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Good Morning Hal,

It isn't difficult to start a Region or Chapter, from the standpoint of actually starting. I like to say it takes 7.5 couples to start a Region and 2.5 couples to start a Chapter. You see, spouses are members too.

I moved to the Northern Neck of Virginia in 1992 and there were but five AACA members on the entire peninsula. One of those was a member for insurance purposes only, and another was with the telephone company GTE who was laying everyone off, and had plans to move. So, there was really three and me -- that rhimes smile.gif

What to do? Okay. One of the three people was a long-time active collector and he had a few names of people who had cars. Remember, most people here are into boating. Judy and I got into our car and began driving all the back roads. We visited the folks whose names we had and they told us of more folks. We visited those folks too. We stopped anyplace we saw an old car in the yard and so on. It's 55 miles from one end of the peninsula to the other and in a week we had driven over 1,000 miles around the peninsula and had collected 56 names and addresses. I told all of these people about antique auto insurance and that helped, because almost none of them had ever hear of the companies that sell us insuance like Taylor, Gundy, etc. Next, I wrote a letter inviting all 56 to my home on a Sunday afternoon for a meeting. I bought the refreshments and told them to drive their old car. Twenty-Seven of the 56 came. In the meantime I acquired the packet from AACA headquarters. All 27 couples joined to become Charter Members. Within a week five or six more heard it was a successful thing and they joined as Charter Members before I sent in the paperwork. The Northern Neck Region was given a Charter in October, 1993. I was the Editor for the first 8 years before moving to Florida officially; although we still spend time in Virginia. During that time, the Region sponsored the "First Ever" test Sentimental Tour which was a huge success. They call this place "Historyland" as it holds the birthplaces of both George Washington and Robert E. Lee. The water wonderland here also attracts a lot of retired people. Now, in 2004, the Region has over 100 members. So, Hal, I've written all of this to show you and others how forming a Region or Chapter can be done in the most "AACA undeveloped" areas of geography. Look at all of the friendships that have been made as a result of a new Region being formed, that never would have happened otherwise. It takes a bit of effort to really be successful. Success isn't automatic. Somebody who cares has to keep pushing, has to make sure there are some events to keep up interest, but every bit of that can be fun. It was really fun for Judy and I and the guy who helped me, Paul Stosch. It really helped that Paul is a native. People here knew if he was involved, it was an okay deal. It will help you to make friends with another person who has longterm ties in the area. Go for it.

Earl Beauchamp, Jr., AACA President

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Thanks a lot Earl. This is not a done deal yet, but I'm 95% sure it will happen. If so, I think I will try to do what you recommend.

Thanks again

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Earl, Go in and change your profile so that your name and AACA pres will always show up when you post. It will save some typing. Sal

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