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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Hi All,

I would like to wish each one of you a Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you can be with all your loved ones. And for

God's sake, if you travel, please drive carefully. We

cannot afford to lose anyone this holiday season. Don't

eat too much turkey and don't watch too much football!

Bill Davis

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Guest c.johnson

I second that motion!!

And I can add a Turkey/Car joke to go along with it....

A guy was driving along a country road in his new (insert favorite fast-car here)at 65 MPH, when he glanced over and noticed something keeping up with him. After a long look, he saw what he thought was a 3 legged turkey running along side. "Impossible", he thought and decided to speed up and loose the thing. At 75 he again looked over, and saw the amazing turkey again keeping up with his new speedster. "Allright", he thought "I'm not going to be outdone by a turkey" and again increased his speed until now he was going over 85 on this long country road. Again he looked over, only to see the turkey zip past him at lightning speed, and go off in the distance to what looked like a local farm. "Amazing" he thought, "I've just got to find out for sure what that was".

He found the farmer at home, and began to question him about what happened. "Yup" said the farmer "I 'specially raise 'them birds with 3 legs" "Took most of my life to breed them."

"Wow, that's amazing" the speeder asked, "But how do they taste?"

After think a bit, the farmer replied; "Don't know, we never have caught one!!" shocked.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

Hope you've caught yours already!! Happy Turkey day!!

cj grin.gif

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Di and I send HAPPY THANKSGIVING wishes to all of our AACA friends.... both that we have met in person and in cyber over the many great years we have spent as members of the best organization of antique automoblle enthusiasts in the world!

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