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Cellular Mobile Telephone


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I think this was talked of before but I'd like to revisit the subject. Has anyone here actually seen one of these units in use in a Riv or in the very few Reattas that had them from GM? I would like to get one for my Reatta but have a few questions, perhaps the group may be able to provide me with some insight.

I have done quite a bit of work on my 89' Reatta this weekend and I am very happy with the results. I installed a compass module with the help of information from this fourm and thanks to Jim Finn for providing me with the module. I also finally got Twilight Sentinel working, if anyone is interested see my next post with regards to details on how to install it.

First, if anyone has ANY information whatsoever with regards to where I might find the parts for the cell phone system, please let me know. I have looked in junk yards at Rivs to no avail. I would be interested in prchasing one if anyone has one available.

Second, how difficult do you think it would be to activate one of these phones? Might it be impossible?

Lastly, It appears that all radios in the Reattas are ready for the cell phone, is this true?



1989 Blue Reatta, with Blue Interior, 16-way

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if by chance you found one of these cellular phones, it would not be compatable with current digital systems. the older style phones were only analog, and will not work on a digital network. I know from personal experience, as I was one of the last people on the planet with an old style Motorola "brick" phone, and was forced to give it up in 2001. the newer, tiny digital phones have no power or range in comparison to the older "brick" analog phones.


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I would to still use my brick phone. but when the monthly bill was constantly hovering at $1200 per month (ALLTEL), it was time to say goodbye. any companies which still offer analog service make it VERY expensive.

wish there was a way to convert the Motorola "brick" to digital. its power is many times greater than the tiny digital phones, and I much prefer the larger size of the "brick". they are quite indestructible as well. left one on the fender of my car hauler, and it flew across six lanes of I-10. when I retreived it, the little green power light was still blinking.


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I also have a factory ANALOG phone in my 90 Reatta Conv. Very expensive thru Verizon to subscribe, so I have not done so. It WILL work in an emergency as a back up to my digital handheld. All I have to do is dial and give my credit card number. Again, very expensive per minute charge - I haven't had the misfortune of having to use it. Still, it is a little bit of "comfort insurance". <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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WOW, 1200 dollars. That seems steep. I have some place around here that will still offer analog service, as I just recently checked. How many minutes were you using for 1200 dollars a month!

ALSO - I belive that only the factory phones from 88 and 89 will interface properly with the Reattas BUM and CRT. If anyone knows otherwise please let me know.

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I was using between 2000-3000 minutes per month for $1200. the same minutes with digital run less than $300. however, you get what you pay for! with digital, you get a TINY phone, no wattage, and poor reception. I have decided that the only difference between digital and analog phones is the static. the analog phones will have static until a clearer signal is received, but the digital phone will just drop the call. not really progress at all, just a different kind of static.


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