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Guest Skyking

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Guest Skyking

My wife & I had a great time at the BCA nationals in Buffalo. We visited the Falls, met alot of great people, and saw many great Buicks. I put 900 + miles on my 66 Skylark and came home with a Silver Award. I even met YellowLark. Hope you had a safe trip home Harry... It was great to see over 500 Buicks in one place. The banquet was also nice. The Chapter did a good job putting on the show. Somethings could have gone smoothier, but all in all they did a good job......I'm loking forward to the next one......

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Guest my3buicks

Hey Skyking, I found out late in the meet from Yellowlark who you were. You have an awesome 66, beautiful car! If you hadn't figured it out already, I was the blue/white 1967 Special Deluxe Coupe across the row from you. Wished I had known there who you were!

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Guest Skyking

Keith, so close but yet so far! I spent some time looking at your car. Thought it was a Skylark for a while, but then I saw the Special insignia on the side. Sharp car!! Too bad we didn't all get together at the meet. We could have had an even better time. Hell, we were all around one another and didn't know it. Maybe next year!!!

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

We also just got back form the Nationals. 600 Miles 1 way to the Chicagoland area.<P>The Meet was great, lots of cars, 500 + many venders, activities, etc.<P>I helped judge, and had my car judged as well. I did not do as well as I had expected. I think it would more useful, if you could either find out your judging score, either right on the field, or on a sheet the same day. This takes the mystery out of what is wrong, or how you can improve your car.<P>You nay or may not get an award, or a certain award, but the way the current system works, you must write away for your scores, wait several weeks or months, and by then, the details or mistakes are fresh out of everybody involved's heads.<P>I think it would be benificial for the judges to tell each owner exactly what is incorrect with your car, and discuss it, as a learning process to the owner. I realize the risks invoived, but is anybody else with me on this?<P>Scott

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Hard to decide what was better - the beautiful cars or the friendly owners?<P>Both added up to a terrific event - and more friends with classy cars and knowledge to share.<P>Yes - I got back OK - about 1400 miles RT - the old 340 ran strong and smooth. <P>My thanks to Dean Wright for the directions back to Alexandria through the scenic PA countryside.

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

Thanks for a great meet Jeff. You and the Buffalo Chapter put in a lot of hours and should be applauded. We (the Chicago Chapter) are considering the 2005 National.<P>On the matter of judging sheets, having them avaiable either on the showfield or after the awards, would sure help people to understand, and discuss the deductions on their cars first hand, with the judges that can explain exactly why any deduction was made, while it is fresh in their minds.<P>I realize some participants may abuse this, but perhaps with the right education, it can be worked out.<P>I know personaly I did not get my 2000 form until October. Rick told us at the judging school that the forms will be mailed this year within 2 weeks of anybody contacting Mike & Nancy Book. Yes that helps. He also promised to address any concerns witin 90 days of the show as well.<BR> <BR>This is my situation:<P>I have received a Silver Award four years in a row. I have fixed all on the sheets, each year, and some not on the sheets as well.<P>(Except radial tires)<P>Tyring to get the Gold, and not, and going home not knowing why, is very frustrating, after working for 11 months on your car to get it ready for the national.<P>Scott Mich BCA # 6619<BR>Assistant Director<BR>Chicagoland Chapter<BR>1955-76C<BR>1959 Olds SS88

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Is it just me, or is everyone in Buffalo just plain nicer and friendlier than they need to be? smile.gif" border="0<P>Thank you to everyone in the Niagara Chapter for a wonderful time. Your efforts were deeply appreciated by all.<P>And will <I> somebody </I> please bring a couple of brass era cars to Kokomo next year! They were glaringly absent this year.<p>[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Dave@Moon ]

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I believe that Mike and Nancy Book are in a position to return Judging sheets to owners within 14 days. If we give everyone the venue to request them at the Meet (which we will in Kokomo), and then have them mailed timely, we would be making a big step.<P>My concern about giving them out after the car is judged is having an unhappy owner accost a Judge.<P>Just thinking out loud!

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Jeff,<BR>As I judged this year and saw incorrect items, I would rather be able to tell the participants sooner rather than later what was wrong and what they need to do to correct it. As an owner with a car that is being judged, that will help me too. I realize that we leave ourselves open for discussions and arguments but as Rick said "This is supposed to be fun".<BR>If you have a silver car no amount of argument is going to change that unless you are right on the line.<BR>One of the items that did bother me though is I dont see how a car that was driven to the show will ever win a gold or senior.<BR>Bill

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Guest my3buicks

Bill,<P>I think you will find that many of the BCA Senior Cars and Gold cars have been driven to the meets. I personally know of several Senior cars that have never seen a trailer. I also would NOT be in favor of the option of same day judging sheet results at a National Meet. I was the recipiant of over a year of harrassment from an unhappy car owner from a past National Meet that I was a team captain at. I know for a fact that if this had been handled the day of the show it would have been even more ugly than it was. I do feel a little more time spent on the judging forms with a little more detail as to what some of the deductions are for would be beneficial and save alot of guess work for the car owner.

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Guest Skyking

Getting back to the Silver Award I won at the meet with my 66 Skylark. I knew going into the show that I had some things wrong with my car and I was still happy to take a Silver. But as far as having an incorrect part or color of a part on the car, who's to say G.M. did every car the same? I was talking to a judge that was doing another class and he told me the power steering cover on my car should have been silver instead of black. This was an original car I bought and the cap was black. Why would I paint it black if it were silver? I looked at YellowLark's car which was also an original car his parents bought new, and his was black. Now I don't know if the judges deducted any points for mine, but without the sheet how will I know? And as far as trailing a car or driving a car I can't see it would make any difference winning a Gold or Senior. I know it was work cleaning afterwards but I enjoyed driving my car.....

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I just got home ,as I was one of the group that toured NewYork after the meet. I think that it was suggested at the meeting on Sunday that the webmaster( Roberta) set up a time for all the people who are on this DF to meet. I Think the only one I met was Yellowlark, and I was there for four days. I had my Sequoia Cream 40 Super Convert (The one with the twin spots ,fender skirts and dual exhaust) I still haven't grown up . smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0

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Guest Skyking

Joe, I seen your car but had no idea you were The Old Guy. Like I said before, we were all there but didn't know it...... Next time!

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Jeff<BR>Your right I have seen owners confront Judges<BR>I have also judged. Most of the time you are<BR>a volunteer judge with some knowledge of a class your judging. To have an owner jump in your face telling you how bad you are at judging, turns a lot of potential judges and knowledgable people away from judging. The judging sheets shoud be mailed to owners who request them 2 weeks after the show. Some people can't stand to loose.<P>Jim Schilf / palbuick@aol.com

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The weekend prior to the National, I hosted the 19th Annual Len Immke Arthritis Foundation Classic Auto Show and Cruise In. On Friday evening, we had 1200 street rods. I had 6 judges pick the Top 100 and did not receive one complaint.<P>On Saturday, we had 750 Classic Cars with 3 awards per class. Class winners are notifed by blue ribbon so they can line up for the winners parade. It wasn't 5 minutes after two classes were finished and ribbons were presented to the owners that I had two gentlemen come to me wanting to know why they weren't picked as First Place. (I am the Show Chair not the Chief Judge).<P>I think handing out Judging Sheets the day of, opens Judges to some unfair treatment on the field. I am however, quite happy and willing for everyone who is interested to be able to have the National Office provide them to the owners after the meet.

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