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Hurricain Beryl

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Hoping that the damage is kept to a minimum.  Need the rain but getting it by fire hose.  

A few hours ago, Lake Jackson was on the edge of the storm path.  Now we have moved inside the path.  The red dot is the hurricane center path.  The red line is the Gulf Coast.  

Expecting winds of 43 MPH and likely higher.  Grateful that this may only develop to a Cat 1 storm.  

On the "wet side" of the storm.   

At the same time 2.37 inches of water expected in one hour.  The 2 hour forcast is 4".  Daily total is over 7".  

Interesting storm, calm and then massive amounts of rain and high winds.  

Will provide an early update if power and internet last thru the night.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 2 weeks since Hurricane Beryl made landfall and I just had internet restored at the house.  We took a near direct hit in Lake Jackson Texas.  This is a screenshot of the storm path at 3:15 am.  The path is moving north.  This is a Cat 1 Hurricane, but we had the highest recorded wind gusts of 107 MPH.   We lost power 15 minutes after I took the screen shot.    

We were without power for 5 days.  Got lucky that a generator was made available on Day 4 and that allowed us to run a fan and a few lights.  Frozen and refrigerated goods are all now disposed of.     


Next 5 photos are all shots just walking down the driveway and showing the impass by the downed trees.  4 large trees blocking the driveway.  Lost 13 sizeable trees on the lot.   Two were greater than 3 foot diameter and five over 2 foot diameter.  All uprooted.   The beautiful cedar tree by the entrance was split when a very large pine tree came down on it.  IMG_5291.JPG.26b16d65fc967a44649414a5808d6b21.JPGIMG_5292.JPG.b6abfe8fb59d980fa9c0c743153824b0.JPGIMG_5293.JPG.87c1521588605db4a7eca71ccd05c846.JPG  


This is the entrance to the property.  These ditches are typically dry.  There is a photo of the street in front of the house and you can see that it is blocked by a fallen tree.   


Two houses down where the power line croses the street, the poles are snapped off and being replaced.  There are about 6 bucket trucks and several specialty pole replacement vehicles in this shot.  The internet cable for the neighborhood was still on the ground after the power lines were fixed.  People just drove over it until it was finally pulled above the street.    


No damage to the house and everyone is doing well.  Just long days of yard clean up and trying to avoid being sucked dry by the mosquitoes.   Still waiting in the queue for a crew with heavy equipment that can come in and address the large trees.  

3 days after the storm, this is the sunset that we were given as taken from the dock behind the house.    Hugh


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Glad to see you back on line. You have quite a mess to clean up and it sad to see those bountiful trees destroyed. You are very fortunate that it was not worse and you and your family are OK.  Leon

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Glad to have you back and thanks for the update.  The pictures really tell the tale...  Thank goodness you and your family are all OK and the house was spared.  We had an EF-1 tornado hit a few miles from my house last week.  I believe it passed by our neighborhood as it was forming; one neighbor says he saw a waterspout.  All I could see was gray visibility was ~100 feet.  Wind blew my small boat off its hoist, but other than lots of downed branches damage was minimal.  One man in the area hit by the actual tornado was killed by blowing debris while trying to secure his 1965 Ford.  Sad, the car was basically untouched so always respect Mother Nature - possessions can always be repaired or replaced...

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Glad to see you back on line Hugh, I’ve been in two hurricanes and they aren’t any fun for sure. It’s amazing how quickly the cleanup actually goes, shame about the tree loss but it certainly could have been worst at least your home and family are safe.

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    Thanks all.  Glad to be back.  Internet went out again for a full day, but is back on now.     

Both sides of the street are getting filled between the ditches and the road with debris.  Then these large double box trucks with a crane between, comes down the street taking these massive piles of debris away.  I am just hoping that I can get all my stuff to the road before the heaving hauling ends.  I am finally doing some small Buick jobs to take a break between chainsawing and lifting logs.  Hugh


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Glad to hear things are turning around for you Hugh.  Be careful with getting stuff to the roadside and the logs & chain saw.  I hope you have some local family around for help with the heavy lifting.  

Edited by IFDPete (see edit history)
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Hugh, stay online and stay safe. Great to know you are okay and back on Buick projects. Thank you for posting the pictures post-Beryl. By the time it got to Ohio it was all rain, on the day I took the Buick to the BCA near Cleveland. At least these old beasts are water resistant.

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