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Top sliced by vandals on my 69 Conv

Guest my3buicks

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Guest my3buicks

Well, one month after my 69 Electra had a beautiful top of the line Electron top put on I had it at the Radiator shop having a new Rad Core done and a system flush. Low and behold this morning the shop owner calls me to inform me the top had been slit during the night. He or his insurance are happy to replace it, but what a bother. My shop that did the work is 2 1/2 hours away. Days are counting down to Nationals and this year I was going to ready well before, guess it's will be down to the wire as usual <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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That's lousy, but at least they're not trying to weasel out of it by pointing to a sign that says they're not responsible for vehicles left overnight or something. Count your blessings on that--it's pretty rare.

On the other hand, why was your car left outside overnight where it could be vandalized?

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That stinks!! To say the least. It seems you can't have anything nice without some idiot trying to wreck it. I have to give the shop credit for standing up for the repair, but they lose the same credit for leaving the car outside. Hang in there it could have been worse.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">this year I was going to ready well before, guess it's will be down to the wire as usual <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> </div></div>

I am in the same boat with one of the Starfires. Ordered a new Desert Cooler radiator which took 3 weeks to make, and it gets here and is 2" too short top to bottom. They made me a Cutlass radiator <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />! But it was guaranteed to be made from original factory prints and to fit correctly.

Now there is no way I can get another radiator made before 7 July, and the original is not roadworthy. Local radiator shop tells me he can get a new core, but will have to be made and probably take 2 weeks. So now I have to change the car registration for OCA Nationals 3 weeks before the show, and get the Ninety Eight ready for the trip.

Why can't people do the job right the first time?

At least your loss will be covered at no expense to you. I don't understand people who will purposefully damage someone else's property just for a thrill or to [censored] someone off. Of course, punks like that don't understand people who will put a foot up their arse or pop a cap in them when they get caught damaging stuff. And then if it goes to court they will always say "I didn't mean to do it, I was just having a little fun and got stupid. I feel really bad about it".

Sorry Bubsy- stupidity and remorse are no excuse for anything in my book.

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Guest my3buicks

The Latest - his insurance company says no - go figure - they say claim thru mine - I say, his shop, his neglect for letting it out, his cost. Guess who is going to end up stuck with this - my insurance

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Spend a few bucks and have a lawyer draft a letter to his insurer, citing negligence and lack of reasonable care, and specifically stating that the top has been on the car less than a month. Wouldn't hurt to include a current value on the car and to mention that it was registered for a National event which damage now precludes its attendance. It's sad when you have to involve lawyers, but you might be amazed at how much time and aggravation that can save.

If the insurer still balks, bring a private civil suit against the shop owner himself. "Reasonable care" should have inferred that a convertible be put inside after business hours.

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I had my Falcon vandalized while being serviced at a Ford dealer once. The dealer had 30+ windshields smashed that night, and when they got to my thick, hard to break 1960 glass they got frustrated and took it out on the hood as well.

Dealer did the same thing, referred the damage claim to my insurance. My wife, an insurance claims adjuster, was a little put off by that, even though as a comprehensive claim there'd be no way that it'd effect our rates. When contacting J.C.Taylor, she <span style="font-weight: bold">insisted</span> that they <span style="font-weight: bold">subrogate</span> the claim back to the dealer's insurance. We were assured that they would, however the claim was so small that the insurance company probably just ate the claim. Chances are for a new top they'll do the same for you, but at least you sound like a good risk to them when filing the claim.

When your insurance company subrogates the claim, <span style="font-style: italic">their</span> attorneys are writing letters and pursuing the garage's liablility. You don't have to take that cost on yourself. That's what you pay premiums for!

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Guest John Chapman

Dave is right on the money with this one. Your insurance company pays the damages, then goes to 1) the shop's insurance, or 2) if the shop's insurance company won't pay, to the shop owner for reimbursement. Your insurance company should also recover the deductable for you as well.

Let the insurance company duke it out with the other guys, you've got more important and fun things to do.



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Guest my3buicks

Well, just realized my boot is missing. A new top ruined just to get a boot? Does anyone reproduce the 69 boots with the slide under clips? Have been on the internet looking and don't seem to see any for the Electra. Oh, first aid kit also. It's a shame they didn't use the tape in it to patch the top back up so the interior would have stayed dry. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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My condolences. I only wish you could find the little snake that did that, and make him or her pay. While not a convertible, some vandals drove past my house and threw an egg at my Riviera. It cracked the paint in a circle pattern. I was so anoyed. Another jokester put a cardboard box full of debris at the end of my driveway during a rain storm. Wouldn't have cared, except it was full of odd lot nails, screws and other great things to imbed in your tires. And I supposedly live in a good area!

Hope your top gets done for the national. I love 69 electras.


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