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1916 GMC Logging Truck Remnants.... For Sale


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Not mine and I know no more details than the facebook post.  


Can anyone explain what they were trying to do in 1916 with those wheels?  It looks like 6 wheels within the wheel?  I beleive they were made by Jaxon but unsure what their purpose would be.

Edited by Gerczak (see edit history)
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those are way cool, had never seen that before and I have seen many many wheel "options and improvements".

I would love to own one  of those wheels just to restore and look at and marvel at the ingenuity of the era to think that would help the ride. Outstanding.

Again all developed in a day before computer, electronic thinking and designed with a pencil, a slide rule and creativity

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gerczak, You would do well to be able to buy this old unique GMC relic of a by-gone era, if nothing else as lawn-art with the hope of selling some parts off of it.

The relic antique quality of those wheels is one I could see being sold of e...bay. Such items having the GMC embossed logo would be another highly sought after relic.

Best Wishes to you.

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