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A Massachusetts law protects the right to repair your own car. Automakers are suing.


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The implication here is that independent repair shops would GO AWAY and only factory dealer mechanics/technicians  would be left to to service cars. NO COMPETITION. NO AFTERMARKET. 



In 2013, long before there was a national campaign pressuring Big Tech to make it easier for people to fix their smartphones, Massachusetts passed a law explicitly giving consumers the right to repair their cars. Now, that right is under threat. A pending federal lawsuit could decide its fate — and in so doing, transform the auto repair landscape at a time when cars increasingly resemble giant computers.






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Well, that's annoying, and really kind of prejudicial against those who live in the interior of the state and/or don't have the money to visit the dealer. I'm a fan of safety and keeping clunkers off the road, but its just wrong that those who are skilled at repair might be moved out of business because of a poorly written law.


The one benefit is that poorly written legislation often leads to innovation that avoids the law.

Edited by Golden73 (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

As someone living in Massachusetts, I can’t help but think the stopped clock is right twice a day. They actually did something smart for once.


Obviously, the manufacturers want you tethered to them forever. I have a small independent shop in my town and I’ve been going to for 40 years. I will not buy a car that they won’t work on.


I do understand while the car is under full warranty the manufacturer may want to be the one that works on it. I’m OK with that.

Edited by alsancle (see edit history)
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Having had a shop in Massachuetts from the early 80’s to 2010, I know the gentleman behind the push for the right to repair legislation. They are not just targeting Massachuetts, they want all 50 states. It will be interesting to watch. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Farmers are also going for right to repair legislation, John Deer is their target recently.

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