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Yet another new member


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Hello, All,


I am a new member of the Buick Club of America. (I received my membership card today.)  I regret to say that I don’t yet own a Buick -  although, as a teenager, I drove my parent’s 1950 RoadMaster. I am now looking for a Buick - preferably a coupe, and preferably in the 1926 -1934 year-of-build range. I love old cars.


My experience with old cars began when I was a teenager. My first car was a 1928 Hudson Super Six. I purchased it in 1959.  I traded $40.00 and my bicycle for it. It didn’t run. (Of course, the bicycle wasn’t that great, either.) With the help of two older, very kind, much more knowledgeable mentors, I was able to get it running and drivable.


Other cars I have owned include a 1938 La Salle that I drove in college, a 1929 Pierce Arrow coupe that I wish I still had, and a 1935 Cadillac V8 sedan. Each car had its own personality and each was a thrill to own.


My wife and I live a short distance from Boone, NC.  We moved here from slightly west of Denver, CO a few years ago. Our home there was at just under 8000 feet above sea level. Our home here is at only 4300 feet, but it is still mountain living, which we love.


A major reason for looking to buy a pre-war Buick instead of another brand is because of the this club. I’m a member of the AACA and have learned from and thoroughly enjoyed the various Buick forum threads there and the comments provided by you members. In time, I hope to meet and get to know you better.



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Hello Phil,

welcome to this wonderful forum where resides great experience and very helpful members. Your account of early vehicle ownership is most interesting and I can only say that you should have kept them all. The wonders of hindsight are still amazing.

I do hope you find the car that you are hoping for and join in the forum to share your knowledge and experiences.

Best of luck with your search.



Edited by MacMike (see edit history)
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Welcome to NC. I am at the other end of the state in Wilmington. If you would be interested in considering something a little bit newer, I know a guy in the 36-38 Buick Club who is planning to sell his 1938 Special Coupe. 

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I apologize for my tardiness in responding. Thanks to each of you for the kind notes of welcome.


Larry, as it happens, I have already interacted (by email) with Dean Tryon. I am amazed that he has edited a  newsletter for 1915 - 1918 Buicks and McLaughlins for over twenty-five years. That is enthusiasm! Also just finished reading his article on intake manifold design, which I thoroughly enjoyed. His 1916 McLaughlin looks beautiful. I didn’t realize Buick’s engines still had exposed valve trains in 1916. Given the quality of the roads of that time, engine wear must have been horrific.


Matt, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading many of your threads regarding your various late ‘30s Buicks. I especially enjoyed the saga of the restoration of your 1937 Buick Century and am thoroughly impressed. However, having owned a 1938 LaSalle, I now want to return to something in the 1928 -1933 timeframe, because I love the designs of that period.


Tex, I am going to have to search through the archives to see some pictures of your older cars. The Pierce Arrow, the 1932 Cadillac (any engine size), and the 1934Packard are among my top favorite cars. Years ago, I tried to trade my 1928 Hudson for a 1928 Pierce Model 80. Alas, no luck.


Again, thanks for your comments.



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