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Wanted: top wood rack for surf board for a 1929 Model a ford Station wagion

Lee Rudd

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Try posting in the Model A or Ford wanted section down below. There are a number of Facebook pages for the Ford Model A. You may have to build your own considering how few may have been built in the first place. Would imagine most surf boards were just strapped down with ropes to the top without racks or just stuck in the bac in the 60's. Who had money for extras like adding a rack. Unless someone added them, pretty sure the Model A didn't have gutters to mount to like later station wagons. 

Anyone can read these posts so it is a good idea not to post your personal contact information. 

Edited by Mark Gregush (see edit history)
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The roof rack's for Model A Station Wagons that I have seen, are all custom made, since the roof of the Model a Wagon is flat, it is a pretty easy job to fabricate one. Many of the rack's that I have seen utilize some the top bolt holes with a longer bolt and a spacer to clear the top welting. If you can get a copy of the October 2021 issue of the Woodie Times, there is an article on page 22 about the fabrication of a roof rack on a 1937 Dodge Wagon. The article utilizes the rain gutters on this car but the 1929 Station wagon does not have rain gutters, hence using the longer top bolts as an anchor. What ever you decide, do not drill any holes in the wood, you will regret it.

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If you scrool down to the "Other Vehicle Categories" and log onto the National Woodie Club site, there is an antique roof rack for sale that you might be able to adapt to your vehicle. I tend to agree with billorn about surfboards on Station Wagons. They might look cool on '40s and early '50 "Woodies" but on Model A's, no. I will never put a surfboard on my '46.

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