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35 Buick muffler hanger help.


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Can anyone send me a picture of what my muffler hanger is supposed to look like? Right now it's supported with a large metal hose clamp but it slid back off of the upper stock support on a drive. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks 35 40 series sedan.

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 These two photos are of the muffler and hanger on my 1934 #46.  The supporting bracket is riveted to the frame's crossmember and the "L" shaped hanger and assembly are bolted to it.  There is a 1.25 inch wide strap that goes around the muffler and the bottom leg of the "L."   There is a rubber "cushion" on the "L" hanger assembly that I believe might be to give flexibility and reduce  vibrations.  I hope this helps.

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