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52 Custom - Electrical connections to the carb?

Justin Pease

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Hiya! I have a 52 Custom with the standard Carter carburetor, and I noticed some electrical connections to the top of the carb (see attached photo of the same carb). I suspect it has to do with the fluid drive transmission, yea? I'm not even sure if I have fluid drive, but there are two (disconnected) bullet connectors that look like they go to those two on the carb, so does that indicate a) that the connectors are for fluid drive, and b) that they need to be connected for the fluid drive to work proper? Again, at the moment the car doesn't run (waiting on fuel pump) so I can't drive it to see if it has fluid drive or not. But the wiring that goes there is pretty frayed, so I want to know if they're needed or not so I can fix the wiring before the fuel pump shows up.




Carter Carb - Chrysler Products - General - Antique Automobile ...

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Electrical switch is called an Anti-stall control or dashpot and is part of the electrical controls for the M-6 Fluid Drive Transmission. It retards closing of the throttle when energized at low speed and on downshift as noted. Carter carb book calls it an Electromagnet & housing assembly. 


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Interesting. Where can I find one of those books? Or will my shop manual have adequate information about the semi-automatic?


Also, is that connection required for the operation of the semi-automatic, or will it function without those connections? My car has had the connections for the carb as well as the connections to the ignition disconnected, though the wiring is still in place (albeit a little scary-looking). Thanks for the info!

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Info is from this Chilton manual, while it has several pages about the M-6 transmission, a DeSoto shop manual would probably be more comprehensive. I can't answer your electrical question but there were a lot of past discussions on these forums about Fluid Drive transmissions, try a forum search and see what you can find. 



Edited by The 55er
added pictures (see edit history)
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Dang... that's super interesting. I had no knowledge of the Fluid Drive system until I started looking into this car about 2 weeks ago, so this is definitely a learning experience for me!


Thanks for the photos... my shop manual should be here on Friday, will post here if I can use it to figure out the answers to my questions (for the benefit of anyone else who may have those questions down the line). I'll also search through the Fluid Drive posts - thanks for the suggestion there!



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They need everything hooked up to shift IIRC. The m6 is a great transmission. I'm going out on a limb and assuming thats what you have. There are scads of them still working today that have never had an overhaul.

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13 hours ago, Bloo said:

They need everything hooked up to shift IIRC. The m6 is a great transmission. I'm going out on a limb and assuming thats what you have. There are scads of them still working today that have never had an overhaul.

That's what I figured. The wiring to the engine was disconnected when I bought the car (not sure why) and it looks juuuust a little frayed, but I feel fine connecting it for a test, and if it all works I'll evaluate it further to see if it needs replacement.


9 hours ago, keithb7 said:

I have a few videos on the fluid torque drive and the M6 tranny here on my YT Channel check it out when you have time: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVoBq2i7wl4w0W4JB6cAMjg/videos

I'll definitely check these out - I love learning about this transmission, it's super interesting! Thanks!


Edit: No way, you're that Keith! I watched your video on how to operate the Fluid Drive back when I was trying to figure if this car had it or not, before I had even bought it! Small world... nice to see you here. I've subbed to your channel, quality content there - look forward to seeing more!

Edited by Justin Pease
Didn't realize it was THAT Keith... (see edit history)
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Justin I am pretty active wherever there is a good following of old Mopar owners. I like helping others which is how the YT channel got started. I’m no Pro. I make time to try and learn about systems and components in these old cars. Its fun and helps fulfill my quest for knowledge. 

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We're on the same path. Your video on the M-6, where you have a transmission out and use it to reference and explain what the manual puts in photos, is the video that made it all click together for me today. Thanks for that - no clue how you don't have more subs on that channel, it's got great info. 


Next time the time comes, might I suggest a video on changing the oil on a car with fluid-torque drive? Not quite understanding how to rotate the trans to get to the drain bolt and all that, would be helpful to see it in action if you find the time next time your Windsor is due for a change :)


Thanks for everything!

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