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Wanted: 1924 Cadillac V63 exhaust manifold/s or more...


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Of course 1925 would be identical. Certainly nothing newer. However, you can compare my 1924 with this Type 57 (1918-1919), which seems to give a chance for interchangability going back that far. Nothing older, though. I don't know of any parts piles, but the first thing I would do in your situation, would be to send emails to all owners of 1918-1925 Cadillacs in the CLC directory in the USA. Snail mail to those without email. The other source would be the earlyV8cadillac@yahoogroups.com.


Please tell us a little about your V63.    -     Carl 





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Thank you for your reply.  I am searching for a friend in England who has acquired a "nearly complete" car.  Nearly complete being questionable mechanical items missing (manifold, etc) as well as pretty much needing a body.  Car was pulled out from under a collapsed barn...doors completely missing, rear body section squished (sedan).  Objective is to restore the chassis, if possible...and consider body options during this process. Cowl forward is otherwise pretty complete.    I am not a member of the CLC.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmm,  Location does complicate things. Let me check the directory. Harry Nicks in Redlands, CA used this donor to aid in a V63 roadster project. They would have had no use for anything aft of the cowl. But I think the distance would be a deal killer. Hmmmmmmm.......................   Perhaps your friend has the makings of a speedster project.   -   Carl 




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You are unbelievable...I have forwarded your reply to my friend in England.  His brother has also posted on the CLC site.  No manifolds yet, but we live in hope.   As for the body...yikes, be careful what you ask for!   Anybody with brilliant ideas to get this body to London at less than a first class ticket on the Titanic?  My idea is to carefully disassemble, lose the glass and send a crate via DHL...

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There are a few 1918-'25 foreign Cads in CLC. So few that I will be able to see the ones in Europe and contact in order to find manifolds. Here are a couple of pictures of the V63 restoration  to whet your friends appetite. The two cars seen in the background are Cadillacs. A 1930 V16 roadster, and Harry's '26 roadster. Just realized that Harry might have used the fenders and aprons for the '25 V63 roadster restoration. The sedan belonged to the customer, certainly until at least 2016. His restored red roadster made its debut at the 2016 San Marino Classic. Is your friend set on re-creating the sedan ? You can see a few more pics and a bit more info if you enter   Marino   in the search box. It probably would be a good time for a phone call.   206-790-6912, or 408-621-8261. I am old, sick and injured, so sleep somewhat irregularly. However, I invite people to call literally 24/7. I am very good about turning off the phones when I sleep/nap, so it is impossible to disturbed me. Sometimes I forget to turn them on,  but I am not too hard to contact. Sure, try calling anytime, I am on the Pacific coast, but as I say you just never know when I am on alert !    -   Carl 






Edited by C Carl
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Good luck with the search, I have a type 61 and had no luck tracking one down when I needed one. I’m guessing most of the good ones have already been salvaged because of the way the porcelain coating goes.


I ended up having to get mine welded where it was cracked.


From memory you’ll be looking from a type 59 through to v63 - anything earlier had water preheat and not exhaust preheat so it’s likely incompatible. 

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Regarding the 57, was the 1918 water heated, and the '19 exhaust heated? In any case, I would think that perhaps the non-ported ex. manifolds might in the end be even better. The easier to eliminate the intake oven. Stuart, did you contact everyone in the CLC directory who had 57 or 59 through V63 to try finding a spare manifold  ? I really don't know anyone who has a parts pile for these cars, my V63 is pretty complete. But one of the many owners in the directory is likely to have spares. There is an almost infinitesimal chance that I could trace down that rusty old engine pictured above. Somewhat greater than zero. I will make a call this week.  -   Carl 

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Not many people in the directory had many parts, most were in a similar situation.


In the accessories book they mention that you could buy the exhaust preheat for older cars so it’s possible they do bolt up. I’ll double check when I’m home in a couple of days

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I believe the carb itself did change between the models, the brochure for the type 61 references that it was “improved” - I think they claimed 10 mpg somewhere. 


 I guess if you used an earlier manifold you’d just end up with two open holes at carb that you’d probably want to close off with blanking plates to stop anything getting up there. I don’t know if the manifold design changed at all to increase efficiency between the models, I doubt it though 

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a speedster project, it probably would be easier to make new intake and exhaust manifolds by the cut and weld method. Parts from this era are very scarce, and almost everyone is looking for the same items. 40.00 for the heater back in the day was HUGE money. Guess the electric heater in the fuel bowl from 1913-1914 were causing too many fires.

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  • 3 months later...

V63 cadillac Packard was out selling cadillac .The pressure was on so the quarted crank balanced engine emerged an amazing engine but with time and high mileage prone to catropisch blade rod failure has done it twice 1994 and 2001 the 314 engine shortened the rods by one inch and lowered the wrist pin by the same and that by all accounts worked .The heads 1918 to 1925 are bastards to crack .A challenge to keep on the road thirsty but great fun .

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