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Reatta Database Update (as of 17 Jul 2018)


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Let me translate........The data on lots of 1991 Reattas was added in Jun 2000,  with info provided by Stan Leslie.

Stan still owns 2 1991 Reattas and he purchased a CarFax account.   He spent many hours on CarFax getting the info they had (at the time) on the 1991's.  He first concentrated on the convertibles then did some coupes.

At that time .....No record in CF = no record found in CarFax

NO PS indicated the car has no Pinstripe

Since there was no record in CarFax....then we did not know where it was so under state "unk" was inserted.

As we get new info all the above is changed or corrected........ when you got the new car,  I  failed to change the info.

That can be corrected.........and you can add the mileage and you last name or both can remain blank


PS...Stan's work reveled several things...... (1) we had  wondered why the last 1991 vin was 901554 but the numbers provided by Buick (305 convertibles, 1214 coupes) only added up to 1519.

The answer was Buick assigned some vin # to convertibles that were never built.

(2) the CarFax info also proved that a few 1991 convertibles that Buick has designated as "scrap" found their way to the road and were registered with mileage indicating they were daily drivers.

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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Cargirls comment  allude to seeing a database; I think that would be helpful. Is it possible to add the database as a "sticky" at the top like resources?


I have other cars and one featured a database that was years in the making that no one saw; sadly the person gathering the info had a heart attack and all was lost. I certainly  hope that doesnt happen to MR. Eaton who has been extremely helpful  to me and anyone with a question but we all know that things happen in life.


Just my opinion, Murray

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In the interest of all things Reatta,  I try to share the information I have.   Tom Jenkins contacted me years back and offered to host the database.  Tom has maintained it for over 20 years and we are in the process of adding more information.

(1) there is the original database that is built from owner input and maintained by Tom at www.reatta.net

(2) there is a 1988 database that came from GM data

(3) there is a 1989 database that came from GM data

(4) there is a 1990 database that came from GM data

2,3, & 4 will be added by Tom in the near future.

There should be a 1991 database but the person helping me digitize the data misplaced the 1991 original from GM so that is probably lost forever.

However the 1991 is complete on database (1) and as accurate as the information sent to me, however it is a merge of (A) owner input (B) input from Stan Leslie and (C) data that I pulled from my local dealer parts department computer.

I you look at the database at www.reatta.net.....only addressing 1991, you will see that all the vin number are present, but there are gaps in color info.   That is because I did not complete the White and Red cars.   The way it is today, if you see white car with gaps, all those cars are white but the interior and options has not been confirmed, same with the red cars.

if anyone has access to a dealers computer or Carfax and would use those resources to complete the unfinished 1991 coupes that would close that gap........always looking for volunteers.

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  • 1 year later...

The database is updated depending on the new input we get.

Sometimes it is 2 months,  sometimes it is 6 months.    I get Reatta input sent to me from many sources but I am not going to ask Tom to

do an update for one or two new entries.

There is usually a code on Tom's work that indicates the date..... something like  191022  would be 2019,  October 22

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