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Why are posts and threads being moved?!


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I posted "new forum" here at bca-general and added to the thread with a question yesterday and today I finally found it in the forum technical secton. The last post was by peterg and my question was not answered. I shouln't let small things and small people like this bother me but this really pisses me off!


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I moved the post. It had nothing to do with Buicks, it was a technical question so it was moved to forum technical questions.

If you read my respond it did answer your question. http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/showflat....amp;amp;fpart=1

Willie, if you feel somehow your calling me a "small person" has some value here then you are mistaken. If you don't like the way i run this forum feel free to call me at 520-991-7940.


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I wish I could reply to both, but again that so called 'feature' prevents it.

So, on with the show as they say..

Peter, I have a feeling your parents named you correctly. Not to insult the other people here of course.

You as a 'so-called' webmaster and computer person are quite inept at basic tasks which require only common sense and minor know-how. You arbitrarily remove threads which you deem bad or inappropriate without reason or cause. What are you, a demigod? I don't think so... Now, as an example of another basic task which you suck at, take a look at your link, then refer back to the original thread in question. Hmmmm.. What's this? Not the 'new forum' thread, but a 'picture' thread. Oh boy.. Copying and Pasting, what a task!! Should I call your neighbors kid to help you? Maybe your pet?

This is called a "public forum", who gives a flyin-f**k that you run it. That's your choice, but to prevent people from posting their thoughts, suggestions, questions and comments is down right insulting.

I highly doubt this costs much of anything to run other then some spare time which even you seem to muck up everychance you get on this thing. Your attitude towards Old Cars, People and Community is something I highly doubt the AACA would enjoy.

So, I've spoken my mind, what you gonna do bout it? Ban me? Try it... That'll just prove what a schmuck you are.

In a group of good people, there's always one bad apple, and they're usually towards the top of the tree.. Sad, isn't it.....

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Why dont you post your real name so everyone knows what a fool you are ?

You get on here and insult people and dont even have the <span style="font-style: italic">cajones</span> to sign you real name. I am sorry, that means you are lower than a snakes butt in my opionion.

As far as Peter goes, he does the job for free and in his spare time. He does a great job of it too. Yes, he may move some threads and or deletes them but thats his right. They usually are offensive or plain stupid. No doubt this one will get moved or I hope your assinine post will be deleted.

Willie's original post was about changing the picture that goes along with his name. Peter answered it and moved it to the forum technical forum. That was he thought it belonged. This thread would have died there except you had to open your mouth and prove to the whole world what we already knew.

Why dont you go back to your kiddie flame boards where you came from and leave the people who want to seriously talk about old cars alone.

Proud to be registered:

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Peter and all of my friends at this forum: I used the BCA- General forum for the initial post ?new forum? because that is where my friends are and that is where the action is?the BCA-General is the second most active forum. The subject, I thought had, general interest to all and was intended to get answers, suggestions and generate constructive criticism. The Forum Technical Questions section is an obscure outpost that I seldom visit and it appears others don?t visit either. The post ?new forum? generated 13 replies and over 200 views before it was moved. There were no posted complaints about this being in the wrong forum (we all gently suggest that sellers use a Buy/Sell forum). My last question in ?new forum? (Could a popup question be added when you submit a post asking if you want to register or login before posting?/....might cut down on the unintentional anonymous posts.) was NOT answered! You need to read the whole thread again and will see that there are three different subjects there: loss of login, skewed picture and anonymous users. I still think that just because you CAN move a post without asking the poster or readers is rude and arrogant. The ?small things and small people? crack is a local saying that was not directed specifically at you.

Peter I probably will not call you, email or send a private message since I encourage all who call, email or send private messages to post it on the forums so we can all benefit.

As to anonymous above he or she probably just forgot to login ( hope I?m logged).


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Unfortunately I can not read all the forums and posts everyday in every forum. There are just to many. When i do fall upon a tech question in something other than the tech forum i do my best to deal with them. however they still are best posted in the tech forum, which I do make an effort to check every day.

I move 5-10 of posts everyday. Example: mustang posts out of the CCCA forum to the AACA general forum, Oldsmobile posts out of Buick to the Oldsmobile forum, and tech questions to the tech forum. If that seems rude and arrogant then i'm sorry, but some form of organization needs to be done or I may as well just create one forum and let it be a free-for-all.

I'll double-check your posting in the tech forum to see your subsequent questions. I do suggest that for each unique question you post a new subject. Hiding an answer about anonymous logins in a "loss of login" thread doesn't benefit anyone but the original poster.



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One other thing. Some of the questions you asked already have answers in the Tech forum. Specifically loss of login and anonymous users. Also, the FAQ section has many answers to commonly asked questions.

I do my darnest to answer everyone's questions but with 3,000 visitors a day and almost 10,000 registered users it almost impossible to keep up.


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Peter, I think you are doing a great job, especially at the pay scale you are at. I think everyone needs to lengthen their fuse a whole lot and stop being so touchy about the small things. ADULT comunication is becomming a lost art! smirk.gif

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This has been a great site to come and visit for me now for over 3yrs. I thank Peterg for it as well as the effort involved in starting the OCA forum.

However I do understand Old Tanks idea that he put the question to his comrades here at the BCA forum and it was posted in "general" and it was a general kind of question like I say put to his comrades.

Also I mention because Peterg mentioned moving Olds questions out of Buick over to Olds. Although that is where they belong the Oldsmobile forums are a ghost town. Nothing like the BCA forums where someone can ask a question and get 10 responces. Over there you're lucky to get one and its from Rocketraider who has done a great job and has lots of knowledge but its still not like the multitude of responce that is recieved over here. I have found many Buick guys have had or do have a Oldsmobile and may have the information that is sought . I found a 75-76 Delta rear taillense on the BCA general forum when I was only trying to rally some guys with "hard to find GM parts" problems together to get GM to reproduce some necessary little items to help us keep our cars "alive".

I have had many 70's B body questions I know I could get answers here at the BCA "general forum" that just would sit forever over on the OCA forum. I have not asked some of them yet but may someday give in and ask here because I know I'll get answers. I would hate to think that when the day comes I do they would get deported back over to the vast wastelands of the OCA forums. where they will once again sit and fade away.

Another example. There is a part I need for my 86 LeSabre. On T Keiths t-type site I posted the topic "junk yard cruisers" on both the general and for sale/wanted page. Exactly as I thought it got more viewing on the "general"page than the "sale/wanted" page. It was a general topic that simply stated that anyone that cruises junk yards from time to time I'am looking for --------.

At the same time as Peterg says there does need to be orginization, however if ti gets someone results posted a little out of place it has still served the purpose that we all come to these forums for.

If anyone has visited the GMforums.com they will notice there are so many over there that its hard to know where to turn and its hard to want to get involved with all of them. Buick full size RWD , Buick full size FWD, Oldsmobile full size RWD, Olds full size FWD, B body forum, H body forum, 90 degree V6 forum , I mean where do you post a question , how much time do you have to cruise all these forums.

I believe most guys that have used Peterg's Buick and Olds forums have shown good sence in their postings.

Whoever that anomious coward was needs to be kept out of any and all topics. That is why everyone should have to be registered to post. I did not originally feel that way but I do now. If they have some fetish or phobia that makes them afraid to register we really dont need them around and they certainly will never have anything worth while to offer. So I say no work no eat, no register no post.

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- Participants shall not post any material likely to cause offence, that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right - without the express permission of the owner of such copyright - or that contains personal phone numbers or addresses.

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- This web site does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of the material posted to the Forums or bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, or other liabilities caused by any posted message.

Peter...these are your rules: the listed forum moderator for BCA-General is BUICK RACER.

The bottom line is don't micro-manage the forum...let it flow and the uninteresting posts will soon die just as this thread will eventually die.


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Have you ever considered the creation of your own forum? There you could run things your way. I am sure you will find that your way is much better than anyone else's. Let us know the WEB site so we can join it quickly.

It is interesting to me, how most outward attacks from people stem from so inside issue not at all related to the current issue. That does make for a interesting existence. Thank God, there are millions of similar boards to vent on. Your comment on the cut and paste can be used to populate a lot of them until you clear the real internal issue.

I may be out of line here, (am lots of the time) but, sit back, breath and follow you own slogan - - - GO OUT AND BLEED ON YOUR BUICK, not here, Isn't that what we are about?


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It's absolutely amazing to me that grown men revert to name calling and personal attacks because they don't like the way someone else is doing something.

I think the forums are looking fine. So it's a new format--big deal. Roll with the times or be rolled over by them. Sure, I like some things better from the old forum too, but that's life.

Rules? "We don't need no stinkin' rules!" I think Peter is right in that the rules of the forum do need to be followed, for the greater enjoyment of all rather than the good of just a few (like posting Olds stuff. No offense, but this is the Buick site--not the Olds, Pontiac or general GM site. I don't want to read about Novas, Venturas and Omegas, unless it's an interchange question such as "what can we pirate from..." Those questions don't belong here.) He's right in moving Caddilac For Sale and the like off of the Buick club's site (which I've seen posted here). This forum is the most active, but it should stay The Buick Club. It's convienient to post other questions, but they shouldn't be here, and it's right for them to be moved.

As for board tech questions, I didn't know that section existed. But now that I do, I'll check it. Had I really, really wanted to get an answer to a board tech question, I'd have contacted Peter directly, because he has more than made himself available to us. But I'm certainly not going to trash him because I've got to do the extra effort!

And why is it I've seen posted here a couple of times now that because this is a public forum, people are supposed to expect to be criticised, trashed, called names and insulted under the guise of "discussion?" How can that point of view possibly be defended? It's a hobby--it's supposed to be fun. If it's not, you need a new hobby.


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