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Door help


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I replaced the driver's side door panel and have run into a problem, (or my memory is gone)

 When putting it back together I seem to have one connector without a place to go.

Now, I connected the courtesy light at the rear of the panel and the door handle plug, and I know where all of the

window and seat and mirror plugs go, but I have on more connector up at the front of the door down by the lower speaker

 It is a two wire connector) and I cannot find where it goes.

HELP ! Please.

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3 hours ago, 63viking said:

Ronnie; They are gray and black wires.


Could one of the wires be gray and  the other black with a white stripe?  That is the only color combination that I see inside the door (looking at the wiring diagrams) That pair of wires connect to the door handle. Below is a photo of it but don't ask me where the switch  is located. :)


Thanks to whoever supplied me with the photo.



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Thank you one and all. It was as you all said the plug for the theatre lite over the door handle.

My Dumb!  I had previously wired in the switch lights from an (Olds I think) and when I went to put it back together

I didn't see that I had gotten the juice for the switch lights from the theatre lite wire.

Thanks for steering my the correct way.


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