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What program do you use to create your newsletter?

Annie G

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I've been working with our Chapter's newsletter editor to create our monthly newsletter.  I've been using Word but it seems to not work so well and I think there should be an easier way to create them.  I tried using Publisher, but it doesn't translate well and moves stuff around when converted to an email.


I'd love some tips from you "masters" :)  Thanks!

Edited by AnniesSS (see edit history)
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I think the easiest way is to use Publisher to create the newsletter. When you are finished with the publication, save it as a pdf and email the pdf file. That is what I do with The Rummage Box. I also use Publisher to create the 36-38 Buick Club's Torque Tube II but I save that as a pdf and communicate it to the commercial printer via dropbox and they print it from the pdf file.

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Most people would not be able to open a Publisher file. I have not personally found anybody who could not open a pdf. If anybody has a computer without a pdf viewer, they can download  Acrobat Reader for free to enable them to open a pdf file. You may have to explain how to do that to anyone who has a computer that is old enough that they have that problem. 

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Here is the link to download it: https://get.adobe.com/reader/


I would suggest that you pay close attention to the two "optional offers" that are in the automatic check boxes on the first page. I would suggest unchecking those two boxes, unless they really want to take advantage of the optional downloads. 

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Word is basically for writing letters. It is very difficult to publish a newsletter using Word. I would suggest using Publisher, which I have been using since version one came out in 1991. There are many other programs that you can use to publish a newsletter like In Design. However, for ease of use, I recommend Publisher to create your publication and converting to a PDF.


The majority of people using a computer already have Adobe Reader installed.


No matter what program you use to create your publication and PDF always be sure to embed the fonts you use. If you use a non-standard font and PDF the file (without embedding the font), the file might not look to  the recipient at all like you created it. If you use a font that is not installed on their computer, that computer will substitute using a different font. Not all fonts are the same. Some are narrower, and some are fatter. This substitution can cause the text and graphics to change.


Judy Edwards


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  • 2 weeks later...

Annie, you should find that Microsoft Publisher is very self-explanatory.

Mine is the 2007 version.  I learned to use it just by trying it out

and using the user-friendly commands from their drop-down menus.

I did buy 2 reference books for it, including one from the "Dummies"

series, but I rarely have to refer to them.


Publisher is not a program that true professionals use, 

but it can produce very professional-looking results for

us amateurs.  It handles multiple columns very well, and if 

you insert a picture, the text just naturally flows around it.

Arranging your page, you can easily grab and move text-boxes

and pictures around the page, or to another page.


Publisher files become very large.  It's not uncommon for our newsletter file

to be 60 or 90 megabytes--much too big to e-mail.  For our newsletter,

I save the Publisher file to PDF format, and give the file (either in 

person or by e-mail) to the local printing shop.  Appreciating

tangible excellence in writing and presentation, we don't distribute

a virtual newsletter.  We want every member to have something

to hold in his hand, a permanent record of our club;  and not,

after all the hours spent producing it, something ephemeral that is

quickly glanced over and erased.


Adobe programs, in contrast, I've heard are very unfriendly to the user.

I'm an expert at none of them.  They have arcane commands such as

ALT-CLICK and CONTROL-BACKSPACE that one could not learn

by simple experimentation. 

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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You should be able to simply save it as a pdf in Publisher and then email the pdf file. Anybody with a computer should be able to open the pdf file or easily get the software for free to open the pdf. If for some reason you find that your pdf file is too large to email (which I have never experienced), it could easily be shared through a free dropbox account, or by saving it to Google Drive and sharing the link via email. Let me know if you have any questions.

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