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Vacuum wiper question


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So on the 55's in my yard, I noticed there are two different wiper pillar trims (escution).  One has a large flat disc around it, the other does not.  I assume this has to do with variable speed or delay wipers?  If so how does it work?   Am I totally off base?   My super has standard wipers and I want to put the wiper system out of the roadmaster into it.

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I guess the band is there to guide the wiper down the edge of the windshield? It has a wide and slow option and then a short and fast option, so I assume the guides on the wiper blades are there to keep the wiper on the window as it wraps around during the wide and slow operation.

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  • 8 years later...



Regarding those wipers. I have a 58' Super with those Camomatic things - problem is that those pads that are attached to the wiper blades and should slide on the guide, have worn out. Has anyone replaced them and how to replaced those pads and what have you used to replace those plastic/rubberish pads?


With regards,

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