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While installing a cruise control on my blue/white 55 Century, I dropped a bolt between the voltage regulator and horn relay. POW ZAP POOF and I let out the Magic Smoke (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_smoke ), but unlike British cars it still functioned. It seems that the central red wire on the horn relay is always 'hot' and is not fuse protected and the voltage regulator case is grounded by way of a yellow wire to the generator. Only 2 days of opening the wrapping to a splice on the red wire near the firewall and the yellow wire to the generator. No damage to the other wires (60 year old insulation is hard and stiff, but stands up to all but direct heat?). The red wire is now fuse protected as will the same on my other 55's.

Back to the cruise control installation, which was straight forward, but did not work. The first call to Dakota Digital tech support had a tech reading the installation and troubleshooting manual to me. I got him to admit that he had no experience with or had ever touched the product. A second call and a different tech suggested that electrical interference is sometime the cause on old iron. He suggested a change to resistor sparkplugs, resistor wires, alternator, electronic ignition. A sparkplug change and it works great.

I drove that one 200 miles and a total of 500 miles with the other toys... driving or fixing beats cabin fever or shoveling snow!


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Snow? You get snow! We have had plenty. Mud

We seldom get snow or ice. That was just a misguided mean poke at you folks who have to put up with that stuff. And I should know better, since I was once banished to the Great American Siberia (UP of Michigan) for a year before escaping. Hope you all can soon start killing bugs like we do year 'round.


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