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Dave Zimmerman-Former AACA National President

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Many of you know Dave. He has always been a special guy and one who represented our club with integrity and great passion. Dave has been fighting a valiant fight with brain cancer. His spirits are good as he continues his concern for the hobby and the club. A bright spot is when he hears from old friends so if you know Dave, please send a card to him especially if it is funny or if you have a story to tell him. Both Brenda and Dave I am sure would be very appreciative of your thoughts.

Dave Zimmerman<o:p></o:p>

P.O. Box 213<o:p></o:p>

Peapack, NJ 07977<o:p></o:p>

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Yes Dave is a great guy! Chris and I have known Dave & Brenda for years , they are one of the people that brought us in to touring and great friends of this great club. Dave has always had great out look toward what this club is about, FUN AND GOOD FRIENDS Howard & CHris

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Dave is a long-time and valued friend. He and Brenda, Dale and I have toured many, many miles together.

It was he who recruited me to allow my name to be placed in nomination for the AACA Board of Directors. Upon being elected in November, 2011, I asked Dave's advice in some matters, and he simply said to me:

"I'll tell you the same thing our mutual friend Janet Ricketts (the late 1999 AACA National President) told me -- When there is any question, decide what is best for the MEMBERS OF AACA, and do that!"

Sage advice from someone who has been there.

We've always loved touring, but Dave (and several others) got me into showing, and totally involved in judging, and after Dale started building her field-judging credits, Brenda encouraged her to serve in Judging Administration - soon to be a Senior-Master Judge as well.

The first photo below is of Dave's grandson pinning his most recent Judge Award at the 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

The second photo included Dale and me.

Brenda joined us for the third picture.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Chris talked to Brenda about Thrusday Dave was coming home to be with his family . Chris talks to Brenda about once a week , helps to keep up her spirits up. Our prayers are with Brenda ,Dave and family. Howard and Chris

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