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2014 BCA Board Electoin

Guest Jerry Courson

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Guest Jerry Courson

Just to set the record straight. I am a candidate for re-election to the BCA Board of Directors. I have been contacted by various members of the All Together Parking By Era. The group has determined that I should not be endorsed based on my "apparently misinformed and indecisive political comments." I have also been told to "follow through, or get voted out."

I admire the passion shown by this group as they discuss their agenda. I am not opposed to parking together by era, if this is the desire of the members attending national meets. In fact, emphasis is being placed on the size of show fields to permit parking by era. Parking in South Bend could have been improved, but the show field could not be configured entirely by era. This problem is being corrected.

Because of the attention received by the parking issue, I believe this is an important issue. Show field parking is on the mind of many members which makes it important. We have other issues to consider including; a declining membership, a lack of long-term planning, and a need for improved communications.

I appreciate the opportunity to have an audience for my thoughts. I also appreciate your vote.

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Guest my3buicks

Other issues the BCA needs to consider/address??? Surely not!! Best thing for the BCA would be to start with a clean slate starting first with the office.

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I was on the Board when they had to make the unpopular decision to raise dues. Since that time the Board has managed our club quite well and it is financially stable. The Bugle is a big issue with members, it is as great as always and with more color. (and can be had electronically) Overall I believe the BCA is in good shape, our biggest issue is how to keep the members from ageing..

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I agree one issue is the $50.00 fee for membership in the BCA. When members have to pay the $50 plus another $20 or so for the local club, it can drive off new members. I enjoy the "Bugle" as much as the AACA magazine, but membership in the AACA is only $35.00. Now add to that any other specialty club you belong to and you are well over $100 a year in membership fees. We need to come in line with other clubs in regards to our membership fee if our financials are in good shape. I know of past members that do not want to spend the extra money.

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This thread seems to be headed in the wrong direction from what I think Jerry intended. What he had to say is important so I am therefore leaving it but closing it to further comment. I have created another thread for use by members running for BOD and those wishing to make objective and polite comments.


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