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In Appreciation


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I have checked this AACA Forum every day pretty much since 2006 when I registered on the site. Although sometimes the server is slow and the format change was frustrating I still enjoy checking the Buick topics and scrolling down to the Lincolns every once in a while. The AACA has done a great job in providing this service and making it open to anyone who likes old cars.

I have also visited Hershey a whole lot of times and always found an open gate there, as well.

For all the services the AACA provides, without exclusivity, I figured after 20 years of Hershey and 7 years of using the hospitality of the forum, it was my turn. I registered as a member last night. It feels pretty good and I think I'll send a little support to the Buick Heritage Alliance this week, too.

I didn't see my shadow and spring is around the corner. I have the itch to do car stuff!


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I was a member back in the early 1990's. The local chapter met on Friday nights which was a in conflict with taking the wife and kids out for the traditional fish fry. In pre-computer days that meant a lot. Now one can be a member 24/7. It makes a big difference.


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The Buick Heritage Alliance is a great organization! Feel free to join the Buick Club of America as well. If you haven't read a Buick Bugle Magazine in a while, it is one of, if not THE BEST car club magazine around. The Bugle is worth the price of membership alone!

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Ummmm, That BCA #10556 got handed out a long time ago. I ran power plants on the late shifts for my first 10 years out of the Navy. Then I got a day job. My absolute first thought was "Now I can go to the Buick Club meetings!" Most of the members who were at that first meeting are still friends today. The cardiologist and I are planning on another 50 years for me. I wonder what the membership will be in 2050. And I sure could use a little of that global warming I was promised.


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