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2013 ROA meet in Lexinton


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Had a great meet lots of wonderful cars. Again met alot of good folks showing there cars. I have uploaded pics of the meet on facebook group page "Buick Riviera Owners" for those of you that are ROA members I gave a copy to Ray and he will be putting it on the ROA web site as well. Hope to see everyone next year.

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Guest Steeleco

Hello, I tried to join the Buick Riviera Owners group from my Facebook page and when the Buick Riviera Owners group page opened up it says its a "closed Group only members can see posts and the only option I saw was to "cancel request". Not really a Facebood expert here. Any advice?


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thanks! sorry I understand alot of folks dont want to use facebook. All the other sites (webshots, flicker, etc) want you to pay a membership fee. If anyone joins just go under notifcations and turn off the messages so it wont send you e mails everytime someone commets in the group. Remember Ray has a copy of all pics as well.

Mr Sweeney all I have is a facebook link.....If i remenber right you had a facebook and was in our group!

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I had to borrow a friends camera for this year and Ed and Sherri Pentico loaned Nathaniel their camera to do the other half of them. Unfortunately my old webshots page is not working due to that company changing everything! I don't even have the complete set of pics just what I took. The Pentico's should have the other half. I will upload them for someone if they have a site.

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I am currently uploading to Photobucket the 167 pictures Nathaniel took with Sherry's camera - it's going slow, but I'll post the link later tonight or first thing tomorrow a.m.

It looks like we're missing part of the boat tails, all the first gen's, the Toro's, the winners circle and a few more that were parked right outside the entrance door.

If you have the missing ones, can you send to me on a CD or Data DVD and I can merge them into my Photobucket folder - BTW, Nathaniel - Photobucket is FREE.


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Mornin' Nate,

( Hope you don't mind, but Nate is easier for me to spell than Nathaniel )

Damn .... I knew when you guys told me late Thursday you had a disk with all the pictures for Ray, I should have burnt a copy - too much going on and just ran out of time.

All I need are just the pictures that Jayson snapped, but I think emailing is not an option here - there's a size limit on my email server, and I think it's 20 meg total. The total size of the pictures you took on Sherry's camera totaled 377 meg , so you might be SOL trying to email them. I know snail mailing the disk will take a few days, but can't see any other way at this time. Let me know ....

BTW, FYI - at the previous meets Ray had Mike Voight just post a link on the ROA website to my Photobucket folders.


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I think it'd probably be best if you dumped your pictures to a disk and drop it in the mail to me - snail address is on the R/C page of the Riview.

I've got the pictures in Photobucket sorted "oldest first", and as you two were taking pictures at the same time, I'm afraid yours might get intermingled with Nate's. It's a helluva lot easier to check and correct on my pc before I upload them than trying to change once they're out there.

Hope this is O.K. with you.....


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Thanks Nathaniel, I did not take as many photos as I wanted to so I'm glad you shared them. BTW, I'm getting my list together of parts and will get back to you shortly.

Great meeting everyone and hope to make it next year.

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I have all the pics from me and Jayson i can send them to you in e mail. I am not interested in another site to tend to with car e mail work e mail and personal e mail I have enough to do but will be happy to share all pics.


Looks like Jayson doesn't have the pictures he had taken .... can you burn me a copy of the same disk you gave Ray and drop it in the mail to me? My address is on the Regional Coordinators page of the Riview.

Thanking you in advance,


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Thanks for the excellent team effort getting pics guys! I know you always do such a great job that I don't get concerned if I don't get many myself. Supposedly the hotel manager was going to coordinate getting some pics from the hotel roof on Thursday. Hopefully that was able to take place before the rain later in afternoon.

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