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Sad Scene

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"They sure don't build them like they used to!" and maybe that's a good thing. Massive mount of damage and probably only at 50MPH! Of course we don't know the details of that crash , but cars sure are alot safer than they used to be!

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  • 10 months later...

It would be interesting to know the story. The leaves on the ground don't even look disturbed. As you said, where are the missing pieces? No skid marks on the ground or blacktop. The only thing that makes it look like an accident scene is the pile of dirt? by the front wheel. I thought maybe it hit the pole and spun around but it doesn't look like the pole left a definitive mark.

These were suppose to be one of the safest cars of their day. I think it's alot smarter than a smart car. The two of them in the same accident and the smart car would be a door stop.

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