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Tucker collector David Cammack passes away at 84


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"To own just one Tucker takes a certain amount of luck and determination. To own three - along with the world's most extensive collection of Tucker memorabilia, Tucker mechanical parts, and most of the Tucker engineering drawings - takes dedication, and nobody in the world showed more dedication to the marque than collector David Cammack, who died Sunday at the age of 84."

Tucker collector David Cammack dies | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

This is a great loss to the hobby. I've had the privilege of touring the Cammack collection and it's just incredible. Fortunately now it goes to the AACA museum.

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Guest Mochet

From what I've heard (& correct me if I'm wrong), Mr. Cammack gave his Tucker collection to the AACA Museum before our building was constructed, and a wing was built to house it. However, like all collectors, he didn't want to say goodbye to his passion and decided to keep everything in his own "museum" while he lived. This actually worked out OK for the AACA Museum, as they have used the space to house special exhibits. I'm anxious to see how the Tucker collection will be displayed.


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I did not know Mr. Cammack or the extent of his collection, but am sorry to hear of his passing. He seemed to be a passionate collector and was willing to share his collection and his knowledge freely with others, certainly something to be admired.

I have to say that I'm absolutely floored by the contents of his collection. The blueprint collection alone...WOW! (not to mention the cars, engines, and other memorabilia)! It must have taken a lifetime to hunt down all of that history.

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