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Rough day at Gibson's...


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Starting yesterday we started with snow. It is now 11:oo am of the next day and the snow just stopped. I just got back from Gibson's to retrieve stuff that I had previously "pulled" and had stored in the trunk of a "different" car. Well we got 7" of light fluffy snow [8 days ago we got 11"] and cars are hard to identify with all that snow on them. I had to find the Riv with the Continental package as that was my "marker" car. That was easy but I thought everything was in the car directly behind it, but I was wrong. Then I thought I left the parts in the "sunroof" Riv. Well that was wrong too. So back to the "Continental" Riv and looked again for my "storage" car. Turned out I was only one car off. So I cleaned about 5 cars off looking for my "storage" car. Didn't need tools as the parts were already pulled, but I should have brought a broom to sweep off the cars so I could identify which car was which.

Also I had previously pulled two '90-91 Instrument Clusters. Tested them and they wouldn't light up, so I left them on the front seat of the "continental" Riv. They are now gone. Whoever took them have two "bad" clusters...

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I have told this story before but is always fun to retell it.

I fellow I know in the Chicago area drove about 30 miles one way in that dreaded Chicago traffic to a U Pull It in Indiana and found a Reatta there. He removed quite a few of the parts and then instead of paying the regular price which we all know is quite cheap, he put the parts in a different car to save until he could ( make the 60 mile round trip in Chicago traffic ) a few days later to get a lower price.

When he drove back over there to get his parts he found they had crushed the car in which he was storing his Reatta parts.

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I like Jim's story and can sympathize with Dave's. My son drove in from Florida on the back side of the 1st storm, last week, and we intended just to go wander Gibson's ourselves but now the 7" of snow (predicted 2") has made that less than inviting. I still need headlight doors so I can fiddle with them over the winter but it looks like a delay is inevitable.

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I've heard the story before but I always laugh because it is so true. In this case the lot guy drops all the Rivs/Reattas in the same area and then leaves them as he knows I try to be careful pulling parts as I never know what someone else will need and don't want to break anything I might need later. The parts I pulled were then put in a late '90's Bonneville. It was just put in the yard and Gibson's is pretty slow crushing cars from the yard.

At any rate they have a new counter guy that I wasn't sure how good he would be on pricing. So I went over what the stuff I came back for was going to cost with the other counter guy. But today only the new guy was there, so I asked him if he wanted me to tell him what the other guy quoted and he said "Tell me after I tell you what I am charging" So he says "$21.00 with tax". I tell him the other guy quoted $25.00 and he said "That's the price, $21.00"

I think I am going to like the new guy...

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Turkey man huh? Well it is a nickname I certainly have picked up. Been doing it for at least 4-5 years for them.

I visualize most of the guys at Gibson's as "living on the edge". I am sure they work hard and I guess they play hard and are mostly single guys probably living alone. So every year when we do the Thanksgiving Meal through our church I get a meal for each one with all the fixings as well as pastry, pies, bread, and pickles. Way more then one serving each. It doesn't take much on my part to do this and I like to think it brightens their day.

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