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Let's help get an antique Buick back on the road and win this contest!

Guest Texas Old Car Guy

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy

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I am restoring a 1922 Buick 6-cylinder Roadster (model 22-6-44) and have entered a contest sponsored by Liquid Wrench to try and win some $ to aid in its restoration.

All you have to do is click on the following link and then click the button "VOTE FOR THIS ENTRY" - it doesn't cost you a dime and it might help an old
win this contest. Seems like most of the other entries are for late model pickups or later model Chevys. As far as I can tell I am the only pre-war car entered. I need my Buick Buddies to lend a hand and get Buela into first place!


I bought this car 30 years ago as a "future retirement project" and have had it stored in my barn since 1982; when I bought this barn fresh beauty it still had its Texas 1947 license plate on it and it has been stored in a barn and not started for 65 years. Last year I retired and have disassembled the car and am in the process of restoring it - the engine was frozen and after much effort I finally got it apart. The contest limits me to 700 characters (one small paragraph) to describe my project and only one photo but those of you who have early Buicks know some of my difficulties in finding parts - according to the Buick Club of America there are only three 1922 6-cylinder Buick Roadsters left including mine! I have owned and restored Model A Fords for 40 years and have been spoiled by all the available parts and 1-800 parts dealers - I'm used to dialing 1-800-SENDITTOME and the parts arrive in a couple of days. That sure isn't the case with an early 20's Buick! I have been fortunate to locate three NOS fenders on my 10 trips to Hershey over the past 30 years in anticipation of restoring Buela; I have advertised several times looking for the passenger side rear fender on this forum and also in Hemmings to no avail.

The photos below reflect what Buela looked like when I bought her, the second photo is as she came apart, the third is with some of my grandkids "helping" me take it apart and lastly what it should look like when finished (however I'll go with blackwalls as original).

I would really appreciate your help in getting this PRE-WAR BUICK into first place!

Thanks for your participation!

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy


Thanks for your help - the contest permits you to vote once PER DAY from each iPhone, iPad, business computer, home computer, etc. until it ends Dec. 29. As the old saying goes, "VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN".:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Texas Old Car Guy

Thanks for the push Jim - she seems to be stuck in 3rd gear (actually 3rd place). Keep pushing!!! Everyone can vote once per day from any iPhone, iPad, home computer, work computer, etc. and each vote counts. Buela has been neglected for 65 years and wants to get out on the road with her other old car buddies. Currently a 1950 Ford and a 1963 Corvair (!!!) are ahead of her. Tell your friends to vote for the 1922 Buick! We have two weeks until the contest ends Dec 28 so vote early and vote often.


Fred<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy
Apparently a person can vote more than once a day. I just voted and it says that I can vote again in 40 minutes.

Jim: You can vote more than once per day if you use a different platform to place your vote - iPad, iPhone, work computer, home computer, etc. Each vote from each different source counts.



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Guest Texas Old Car Guy

Just noticed that Buela has moved up into 2nd place nationally today. Keep up the support and she'll be on the road in no time!

Remember you can vote once per day from every iPhone, iPad, business computer or home computer and each separate vote counts. Only 12 more days of voting left!



Fred<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy
Fred :

Just tossed in another vote. As a caretaker of a 1925-25 Buick touring and having worked on a 1922-45 touring. These cars are a true labor of love to keep on the road. I have some good detail photos of the 1922 if you need them.


Thanks Larry, send me a PM so we can exchange email addresses; I'd love to see the 1922 photos you mention.


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Guest Texas Old Car Guy

Jim: Thanks for the "nudge" - only one week to go and everyone can vote ONCE PER DAY from each of their devices - iPad, iPhone, work computer, home computer, wife's computer,etc. The prize money would sure help restore Buela to her original glory....real leather interior, expensive engine rebuild, sheetmetal work, paint, etc. I will have to have the passenger side rear fender fabricated as a mirror image of the driver's side since I have been looking for 30 years trying for find one to no avail.

Merry Christmas to all!


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Guest shadetree77

Fred, my wife and I have been voting for you almost daily. I am kind of confused as to how they tally the votes though. The rankings will stay pretty close to the same for several days, then all of a sudden overnight, one of the cars rankings jumps WAY up and it shoots to the front for a few days. Doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. Anyway, we'll keep voting for you. Good Luck!

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy


Thanks for all the help; only six more days of voting! Not sure how they factor in all the variables - number of votes, amount of "viral activity", number of views, number of comments posted, etc. Strange, Buela was in 2nd place two days ago and fell back to 3rd place yesterday. This morning the first place entry is a '51 GMC dump truck that the owner says he wants to replace the frame with a more modern frame for comfort, replace the original 6-cylinder engine with a V-8 and the stick with an automatic transmission....what's up with that? Sounds like a resto-rod to me.

All antique car restorers should come together to promote our hobby of "bringing em back the way they were originally built" and vote for Buela. As one reviewer commented on my car's entry, "Ya had me at Buick.":rolleyes:

Keep pushing! Vote early, vote often.


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Guest Texas Old Car Guy

Thanks for everyone's support - tomorrow, FRIDAY, Dec 28 is the last day to vote (contest ends at 11:59 pm Pacific Time). Give her one last push and maybe she'll cross the finish line :o.

She has fallen back into 4th place (was in 2nd for a while and 3rd most of the contest period). You are welcome to vote just one more day and maybe the effort will pay off. Part of the judging criteria includes how many comments are posted to their website so not only should you click the button "VOTE FOR THIS ENTRY" but then write a "review" saying whatever you want to say such as "great car, should be restored", or "One of only 3 left and should be saved." Be original and don't quote what I just said exactly - just say something in your own words (it's free and won't cost you anything).

Again, I really appreciate all my AACA and Buick buddies.

I'll actually be relieved when the contest ends tomorrow night so I can get back to the "real world" and work on Buela rather than monitoring a computer. :rolleyes:

Fred<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Guest Texas Old Car Guy

UPDATE: Thanks for everyone's help, we have fought the good fight - the contest ended last night at midnight and Buela came in 4th nationwide out of 398 entries. Now the contest committee will evaluate the top 20 entries based upon the following criteria:

40% based on the creativity of the entry writeup (limited to 500 characters - short paragraph)

40% based on relevance of the entry to the contest (fixing up an old car)

20% popular vote

It's like a presidential election where the candidate wins the popular vote but the electoral college decides the winner. I believe old Buela will still stand a good chance because of her scarcity (one of only three left) over some "butt ugly" COE dump truck that the guy wants to turn into a street rod. :P

They are supposed to notify the winner within 30 days....we will see. Anyhow, Buela is being restored as we speak so one of these days I'll post some progress photos on this forum. All AACA members might keep their eyes open whether it's attending swap meets, seeing ads on Craigs List, or wherever, if you find a good to excellent passenger side rear fender for a '22 Buick Roadster, give me a heads-up. I've been looking for one for 30 years with no luck. As it currently stands, I am going to have to have one fabricated using the NOS driver's side rear fender I bought at Hershey many years ago. They are out there, it's just that the vendor/seller doesn't know what he has or what it fits. I have advertised on this forum as well as in Hemmings Motor News looking for one to no avail. Once things settle down after the holidays, I think I'll post a wanted ad with a photo of my NOS one and the bolt hole dimensions to help identify the exact fender I need.

Again, thanks to all my AACA friends for their help - Buela received 1016 AACA votes!


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Texas Old Car Guy

UPDATE: Thanks to all my AACA buddies for voting (1029 AACA votes for Buela in the Liquid Wrench contest) - she finished in fourth place nationwide out of 398 entries however the contest committee took the top 20 finalists and selected the sixth highest vote getter to receive the $10,000 grand prize. And the winner is . . . drum roll . . . a 1967 Volkswagen! Good thing they wanted to save a rare car instead of my 1922 Buick Roadster (7,666 produced 90 years ago and one of only three left). :(

No sour grapes here, just disappointed that not only did we not win but they never so much as sent out an email to notify the finalists who actually won. The winner was announced two weeks ago and I found out by accident doing a Google search this morning.

Here's a link to the "rare" car that won (1.5 million produced and probably only 400,000 of them left): http://www.tinkernation.com/ride-easy-2/ride-easy-grand-prize-winner-sheri-lucy/

Again, I really do appreciate your support and I'll keep you posted as Buela's restoration progresses.


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