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small engine repair

Guest 1930

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Anyone here have alot of experience with this, I need help with one and I know nothing about them that dosent relate with automotive.

Looked on-line and while there are a few forums I cant find one that will allow me to attach pictures directly from my comp, they want the pictures up-loaded from some other site and I am not interested in learning how to do that.

It is an antique engine if one were to consider life expectancy of these things I guess.

I dont know how accurate of a description this is but I have had the carb described as this..........Wow, I havn't seen one of those in a while. The carb has a dip tube that sucks the gas right out of the tank that it is sitting on. no bowl, no float, no needle valve. just a venturi..........if this is any indication of what I am dealing with.

I believe my problem is with the governor and the springs, I believe that they are incorrect or not in their proper places.

Because of this I think I would need to find someone real familiar with this Mclane edger specifically

Anyone interested in helping?


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Quote..........What make and model engine are you asking about? ..................

Its a small engine, Briggs and Stratton, gotta be someone here that has worked on these things, let me know specifically what you need to know concerning what engine it is and I will get that and add that along with my questions

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Guest Commodore

I have worked on Briggs and Strattons, but you have not given problem description. Also you need to look for the model number so you can order parts. The model number is usually stamped on the edge of the blower housing. When you find it posted here with the problem description.

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Thanks for the reply, I figured I would ask first too see if anyone would be interested in helping me given that its not automotive.

I participate in a couple of other forums and within general discussion people can pretty much talk about anything but wasnt sure if it was ok here since the largest majority of the threads are auto related.

Mchinson is a moderator, he inquired above on make and model, ( to be honest I was not sure how to answer that question until you told me where to look ) I will wait and see if he decides to delete this thread before I put any more effort into it, hopefully he is asking because he feels he may be able to help.

If this thing is still here tomm. I will get some pictures and state the problems I am having and also some questions.

Id like to learn as much as I can about these things and I bet there are others here that would get something out of it as well

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When I was young I spent a few years working in my brother's lawn mower shop. If you will list the model number of your Briggs and Stratton engine, and give us more information about what the problem is, I can probably give you some advice.

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Jason, I've found a wealth of knowledge sitting at: http://www.smokstak.com/

As in these AACA forums, there are many knowledgeable folks regarding autos.

At Smokstak, the same applies regarding old/older motors. I would suggest posting your pictures and questions there.

Please - no offense intended toward anyone that is helping here.

It sounds like a tank similiar to this one.

Good Luck,



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Guest Commodore

Here is a link to the Briggs & Stratton website showing how to find the model number. To load a photo, open the "Quick Reply" box and click on the 4th box from the right on the tool bar. It will have a picture of a tree in it. Then select from Computer or URL and then enter the file name and location or enter the URL.

Briggs and Stratton Model Number

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Here is a link to the Briggs & Stratton website showing how to find the model number. To load a photo, open the "Quick Reply" box and click on the 4th box from the right on the tool bar. It will have a picture of a tree in it. Then select from Computer or URL and then enter the file name and location or enter the URL.

Briggs and Stratton Model Number

I guess I should clarify, maybe two days ago the AACA site was not available to me, now it is and it has changed its format, the colors are much less vibrant, the AACA logo on the top left corner of my screen is lifeless in color, almost appears blurry maybe.

I see no posts from anyone else concerning this, am I the only one and what has happened, also the text is smaller, I get the impression that someone is trying to fit more stuff on the same pages ( which I know nothing about ) and that is the reason for this.

You said .............To load a photo, open the "Quick Reply" box and click on the 4th box from the right on the tool bar. It will have a picture of a tree in it. Then select from Computer or URL and then enter the file name and location or enter the URL................how do I open a quick reply box, the quick reply box is at thet bottom of the same screen as it has always been but I do not see an .............OH I see, the reason I did not see the tree was because one would have to start typing before it popped up. At least on my comp.

Ok I guess we are back in motion again, if there are any comments on wether the site is now changed and will remain like this now it would be appreciated, I was told by someone that this change is maybe just a temorary thing so any clarification would be nice.

Lets try this now...........post-48869-143139069905_thumb.jpg

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post-48869-143139069932_thumb.jpgI guess its going to take some playing around with to get the format correct on my end, here is the engine in question, I guess maybe its not as old as I led on, I guess its was built sometime in the eightes but I am sorta surprised that its still around, I have had it maybe 10-15 years now give or take.

Is there a diagram anywhere on the web that I could see how the springs are originally placed for the governer ect. All of them are loose, just dangling there sorta I think even when its running, I am guessing something just isnt right there.

The model # in case you cant read it is 92202.

The problem I am having is the engine surges, the governor linkages, ( I am just guessing thats what they are called, I know nothing about how the governor works ) just moves back and forth, seems to always be trying to correct itself.

I have a manual for this edger but it is nearly useless. I have a Briggs and Stratton repair manual ( general info ) and it states THE PURPOSE OF THE GOVERNOR IS TO MAINTAIN WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS, A DESIRED ENGINE SPEED, EVEN THOUGH THE LOAD MAY VARY.

I notice that by putting my hand over carb its seems to run better, this would indicate to me that its not getting enough fuel. I have not removed the carb but have sprayed all sorts of stuff in it while running in an attempt to clean it out.

I have also poured stuff in the tank, let it run for extended period of time and then sit and that didnt seem to do much good. Eventually I think it sorta smooths out after its been run a while.

The tank is spotless, I drain all my tanks come winter and change the oils as well, I do my best to keep my equipment in good condition but infortunately as mentioned I know little to nothing about how a small engine operates.

Coil mounted on top of the flywheel, is that correct? Whats the plastic flapper deal next to flywheel as well, assuming at this point that it is part of the governor, how does all this work.

Hows this carb work, ect ect ect

Anything anyone can tell me of how this small engine operates would be appreciated. Thanks



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Jason - Your edger looks to be a nice little unit. I did some searching for you and came up with the 2 links below.

Customer Support | Briggs & Stratton

Briggs 92200 - drawing showing springs etc at carb controls - click "controls"

I believe they are similiar but the Briggs & Stratton site seems better. Remember to use Model #092202-1242-E1 to search thru their site.

I sympathize with you regarding governor problems ans springs - always tricky.

Good Luck,


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Thank-you for your time to find those for me Chuck, I need to figure out how to print them and will do so.

I also came across something that might help regarding this new forum, in order to go to the site you suggested I had to first download a newer version of internet explorer or whatever it is, I did this so I could view the pictures, I downloaded Mozilla firefox, I have always used Internet Explorer 6.

The AACA logo at the top and the entire web page are much better looking now, everything is much brighter and more cheerfull, might be of help to some of you guys if you tried this as well.

The only thing I dont like now is that it underlines every word I mispell and I dont care to be reminded that I am not a good speller

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From just a quick glance, and from memory from years ago, I don't see any major concerns with the springs for the governor. First I suggest you clean the air cleaner, dampen it with fresh engine oil and reinstall it. Make sure you have a good fresh spark plug in the engine also. Make sure you have fresh gasoline in the tank. If you are trying to run the engine without the air cleaner on it, it will never run correctly. If for some reason you want to run it for a short time without an air cleaner, you have to reinstall the bolt that holds the air cleaner on if you want the carburetor to run correctly, with that bolt out, excess gas passes through the opening created when that bolt is out. I will try to see if I can find an old Briggs Service Manual tomorrow and see if I can find anything that will help you.

A fresh spark plug, fresh gas, and a clean air cleaner element often works wonders on those old Briggs Engines.

Regarding the forum software update, there are a few other discussions in the "Forum Questions" Forum where that is discussed. There are still a few things that will be tweaked and I suspect that when all is competed, it will be better than it is as well as better than it was. A little patience goes a long way with software upgrades.

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From just a quick glance, and from memory from years ago, I don't see any major concerns with the springs for the governor. First I suggest you clean the air cleaner, dampen it with fresh engine oil and reinstall it. Make sure you have a good fresh spark plug in the engine also. Make sure you have fresh gasoline in the tank. If you are trying to run the engine without the air cleaner on it, it will never run correctly. If for some reason you want to run it for a short time without an air cleaner, you have to reinstall the bolt that holds the air cleaner on if you want the carburetor to run correctly, with that bolt out, excess gas passes through the opening created when that bolt is out. I will try to see if I can find an old Briggs Service Manual tomorrow and see if I can find anything that will help you.

A fresh spark plug, fresh gas, and a clean air cleaner element often works wonders on those old Briggs Engines.

Regarding the forum software update, there are a few other discussions in the "Forum Questions" Forum where that is discussed. There are still a few things that will be tweaked and I suspect that when all is competed, it will be better than it is as well as better than it was. A little patience goes a long way with software upgrades.

I have cleaned the air cleaner but did not dampen with engine oil, I was under the assumption this would help collect more dust.

Fresh gas and plug has been changed, there is no bolt that passes down the center of the carb on this unit.

Look forward to what you can come up with, the Briggs link given above by chuck did show a parts break down but did not give any pictures of an assembled unit.

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Can you post a photo of the air cleaner from that engine? From what I have seen so far, I am expecting it to be a foam air cleaner, in a metal housing, with a bolt that goes through the center. If it is a later paper filter, forget what I said about oil. The foam air cleaner element is the type that is supposed to be oiled. The oil traps the dust in the foam element where it can be washed out, rather than having the dust enter the engine.

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That one is too new for me. All of my service manuals are for older Briggs and Stratton engines.

Thanks anyway for looking

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