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Staying In THe Shade


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So we get this nice, hot holiday weekend in western New York; sitting in the shade. Suddenly get the idea to drive up through town and get an iced coffee for my wife and an iced tea for me.

Back in the shade again- We both wore hats. :)


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For most that would be a five hour drive from Brockport. I am pretty sure I can do it in seven, maybe a little more.

WE will take the NYS Thruway to Little Falls. Then we will ride Rt 5 on the north bank of the Mohawk to Scotia where we will have lunch at the Scotia Diner. I hope we can sit in the booth next to the bullet hole in the window. Over the mud flats to downtown Schenectady. Proctor's Theater Marquee and the overhead railroad tracks; how can you miss that experience. and across Rt 7 to my favorite stopping place, Harmony Mills and Cohoes Falls. I never take the quick route.


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Guest BobbyBubba

HOLY COW!! That looks like some kinda Revell Model Kit Diarama. The cradle- is operating-room CLEAN. It didn't look that nice from the factory! A very beautiful machine you have there, Sir. Anyone in the Reatta page- that has questions about "Sub Frame Bushings"- can see yours- and see the CORRECT way to do it.

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