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Hair line crack in barrell - 1925 Standard

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Hi All

I have just had my car out and notices a small drip of coolant weeping from the side of the block. On inspection, it is clear that a hair line crack exists in the vicinity of the rear freeze plug under the manifold, extending upward and downwards from this location on the cylinder (barrell) seciton of the block externally.

Question: Is this a common ailment for this model? Have others had the same issue previously?

It is not using coolant and only leaks a few drops now and then from this location, so it is not affecting the running of the engine. I don't suspect there are any issues internally within the bores.



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I got my 25 standard engine done at an engineering shop in Murrurie, but didn,t get it crack tested, later to find it weeping between the welch plugs. They drilled tapped and plugged the 6'' crack ( I,ve forgotten the name of the procedure) But it worked. 26 and 27 blocks are the same as the 25 (larger bore but you can put in the bigger pistons) It does,t hurt to have a spare block.


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Ben.There are a Buick 1920s problem with cracked cylinder block, both 4 cyl.and 6 cyl models.but in your case it can be the freeze plug as well,no problem to find freeze plugs becuse they were used from 1920-1950s Buick.Remove the manifold to be sure what it`s,if there are rusty plugs you are lucky,easy to change.the worst senario is if the block looks like the one on I have in my barn in the picture.If you don`t use any anti freeze ,just water, you can buy some floting"engine welding"and put in the radiator.Just check with your engine shops.

40 years ago I had a block "hot metal sprayed"and that seemed to be very good, becuse there was no leak until the block was bored 10 years ago and the spaying cracked a little bit.The problem is the lower part of the block as in the picture,but if the water it not drained at all it will be as in the picture when it frooze.

Leif in Sweden.


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Thanks Rod - the shop at Murrarie you describe is Wilson's I assume. These guys have helped me with head shaved recently. I'll drive by and give them a look and mention your previous fix also.

Leif. Thanks for this, so it seems cracks are common place in your opinion then? Mine is definitely not the freeze plug (unfortunately), but a crack in the block extending up and down from the freeze plug, but very hard to see and only hairline thickness. Compared with your example, it is only minor.

Thankfully we do not see temperatures anywhere near freezing here, so never such a serious problem.

I have added a 'floating' sealant and this has stopped any leaks. I'll post a photo when I next get a chance.

Enjoy summer for those in the NH. Ben

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G,day Ben

If you have put bars leaks in then your trouble should be over but if you want a more drastic treatment give it a dose of chemi weld available from repco. remember chemi weld will take off the paint as well as seal the leak so be sure the overflow pipe is clear

good luck Max BURKE Nulkaba AUSTRALIA

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