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55 Special rear quarter window sweeps (outer)


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I'm working on some stainless trim, and one of the pieces included is, I guess what you call, the beltline molding at the top of the quarter panel. It is a thin stainless strip that screws to the inside edge of the quarter. Attached to is is/was the window sweep/felt. It was stapled through the trim. Is this part replaceable? The main part of the trim is fine, but the felt part is nearly completely rotted away. My only question is that the felt part has an even smaller stainless strip at the top of it that butts up against the main stainless strip.

55 guys...need input please:cool::confused:

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Bhigdog gave you good advice on where to get these. You will unlikely be able to staple the new ones in place as the originals were applied. I used the old ones as a pattern and fastened the new ones with trim adhesive and tiny phillips head screws. You may be able to screw into the existing holes from the staples so measure everything carefully and drill through the new fuzzy strips where one of the staple holes is located. Tighten the phillips screws just enough to hide the heads in the fuzzy material. Mine have been on the car for 10 years or more and look original.

Joe, BCA 33493

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Restoration Spec. can furnish staples that you can use to install your beltstrips. It may require redrilling some holes as the staples are not quite the same width,if you're handy you shouldn't have a problem. As far as bending the material,you can opt to send RS the old patterns and they will make them for you or you can make them yourself. It depends upon which material is correct for your car. Many of the stainless capped material is flexible and easily bent some is made ridgid and cannot be bent so it is important to get the right material. I can't tell you how many times people tried to make parts using the wrong materials because they thought they knew what they were doing. RS will do a good job for you with beltstrips,they're a major part of their business. They also will install the correct fasteners where applicable. There are some tricks of the trade to make accurate reproductions,I know...I used to make them!

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