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Opinions on 2011 Regal


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I know this is an antique forum, but it's a Buick question---does anyone own a 2011 Regal? I've been looking at them; local dealer has a dark blue one with black leather and I really like it. The only thing holding me back is the 4 cyl. I've owned 3 other 4 cyl. cars in my lifetime and had vowed never to own another. I haven't driven a Regal yet, however. Also looking at LaCrosse's but I really don't care for the large high dash and large console. Not much room for a large car. The Regal just seems nicer to me. If you own one, what kind of mileage are you getting?

Just curious.

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Guest my3buicks

John, the media has nothing but good things to say about the Regal. I believe the turbo is coming out soon or may be out already.

They catch my eye every time I see on on the road.


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If you go to "The Buick Channel" on YouTUBE, the front page has a commercial for the Regal CXL Turbo. There's also a "Top Gear" video spot on the Vauxhall version, which should be on YouTUBE or possibly on the Top Gear website.

There are also some GM videos on YouTUBE of product "walkarounds" of the Regal, too.

I'm not sure which 4-cylinders you might have owned/driven in the past, but the GM EcoTec 4-cyl engines are some really neat engines (performance wise) and can also knock down some very credible fuel economy on the highway. If you might find some fuel economy ratings on European websites, be sure to factor them from Litres to Gallons.

I concur about the wide console and diminished "real room" in the 2010+ LaCrosse. For a car that size, it really should feel more spacious on the inside . . . at least as much as the 2009 LaCrosse it replaced! In sitting in the new Regal, the interior space and outer size "fit" better in relationship to each other. One downside, though, is the short rear seat headroom . . . for somebody taller than about 5'5" . . . by observation.

Take care,


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John ,I don't have an opinion other than they look nice,but if you have an auto show or new car show in your area ,you may want to go there to check one out.The nice thing about the Show is that you can view,compare and sit in any number of cars without the pressure/annoyance of a car salesman in your ear!;) I live in the Cleveland area and our new car show runs through this Sunday.If I am able to attend,I will surely check out all the new Buicks and report back here with my opinion on the Regal.

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What prompted my original post was that I did sit in a dark blue/black leather interior Regal in the local dealer's showroom. It was snowing and the roads were a mess, so I didn't want to take one for a test drive. I was very impressed with the interior. I've also looked at the Lincoln MKZ and thought the Buick was much nicer inside for $10K less. A co-worker has a new Regal and she really likes it but she traded a Scion for it so was used to 4 cyl. She claims to be getting 32 mpg with it on her daily commute - about 8 miles one way. I really want to like the LaCrosse, especially since I really miss the HUD I had in my Grand Prix and the LaCrosse is the only passenger car with HUD as an option. I found the driver's arm rest too short so my elbow banged into the end of it, not very comfortable. If the armrest were longer, I would definitely be interested. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take one for a test drive though.

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John: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

I drove a 2011 last week with the new turbo charge with an invitation from Buick that I received in the mail +$50.00 and .... YES! Take a test drive and you will not have any question about "maybe". I will tell you that the TV/computer screen takes some getting used to but the "joystick" that is on the center console can control everything in the car once you get used to it. The acceleration off the line is very fast although I did not time it I got up from 0-80 in a few seconds, it does NOT feel like any 4 cylinder that you have every driven before. One +/- is that the car is front wheel drive don’t know what your preference would be on that if any but the Regal definitely is worth your attention. DRIVE ONE!<o:p></o:p>

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At the 'GM "Mainstreet In Motion" driving event I went to yesterday, my first stop was the Buick tent and a Regal CXL Turbo. Realizing that it is a 2.0L engine and that it IS a turbo, if you floor it off idle, there will be a little weakness at that point, but if you just punch it for about 20 feet and then floor it, it moves pretty good. The deep low gear in the automatic helps it get the rpms up quickly, though. But this isn't really that much different than any other small engine, including Honda's (which generally has an even deeper low gear to mask their 4 cyl engines' weak low end power, below 2000rpm).

The car felt nice, drove very responsively on the defined course they had laid out (hopefully not getting behind a typical Toyota driver as I did on the Chevy Cruze course!), and was otherwise very nice. Wouldn't mind owning one, even it it was not a GS. I was impressed! Everything just felt "right" to me . . . but your reactions might be different.

Just some thoughts,


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"Station wagons" have not sold well in the USA for quite some time, even when there were some pretty nice ones from GM in the later 1970s and earlier 1980s. But they are much better sellers in Europe, which is why there are so many variations of them which we see very little of in the USA.



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