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Reatta glamour shots


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Guest Greg Ross

I guess my favorite images (below) first is this candid shot (I call "FLint viewing") taken in Flint, Mich. in 2003. Some of you are sure to recognize those smoozers checking out the super charged 3800 under my hood.

Second image was taken by "Flash" a couple of days later.

Very interesting were Flint and Buffalo a couple of years earlier, I was rather aware at the time of being considered either an upstart or trouble maker, based on a number of Reatta Div. member responses. Modifying the Reatta according to many of the stalwarts, purists perhaps a better term who disapproved of this practice.

Pretty interesting that parked on a show line, probably 90% of the Owners who looked under my hood (and there were reportedly 93 Reattas at Flint that week) They'd blink and say, "Thats' exactly what I wanted to do with mine" I'd direct them around to the Drivers' door and suggest they also have a look at the console/ Shifter.

My aim was to have the car look "factory" the way it should have been and it was pretty gratifying to get the response I did. Somewhere in the order of 130,000 miles accumulated since the major engine/ tranny work has been done and proven to be pretty reliable as a daily driver over all these years.



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I know some of those guys in the picture.......

Closest to the camera in the green shirt is Tom Selander (Hesslakeguy) of Grand Rapids

Next to him is George Madson in the white shirt/dark collar (presently assistant director of the Reatta Div)

Don't know the guy in the grey shirt and the bald head is an unknown.

I am pretty sure that is yours truly in the cap with the pink bill.

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Guest Double M

Well, she may not seems so glamourous like this, but that's how she is looking after out latest Snow storm. the sixth to dump a foot of snow on us in six weeks... The Reatta has proven itself quite capable in the snow. This has been the snow-iest January in NY history.


and after a few hours of shovelling, including the roof of the ranch, she is back to being the nicest car on the block...


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The hardest part is getting the snowblower up on the roof. It's easy after that. ;)


I don't really have any glamour shots...yet. I do believe I have the first shot I took of the car here out in the snow. Then one from last weekend under some cover.

One shot I would love to have (and honestly someone may have sent me one...but not that I remember) would be one of my then 13 year old daughter judging Reattas in Colorado Springs. She did learn a lot and wanted a Reatta after that...of course now she is getting close to being able to get a driver's license :eek:

As for snow, we aren't in as tough shape as some others, but as of today we have surpassed our average winter snowfall. On top of the saturated ground, we'll have flooding come spring.



Edited by Thriller
Added snow info (see edit history)
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