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1950 Packard with eggcrate grille?

Guest BJM

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Yes, an egg-crate with a 327 motor should be a 23rd series Super DeLuxe, body style 2385 for the 2 door. A reasonably uncommon model I should think. Though there was a Custom 8 2dr in the 22nd series, it was not continued into the 23rd so that would make it the top of the line for a 2-door closed car.

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It also has the front bumper off of a 22nd series Packard. Missing some grill trim around the left parking light. I still think the introduction of a less expensive Custom 'look-alike' must have irritated Packard Custom owners considerably at the time.

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That's interesting. I periodically look for a Custom 22 or 23 series car to buy and the reason is I like the details put into the Custom 8's. Ultimately though, I like the eggcrate grille so much better then the horizontal grilles.

Not a 2 door fan nor much of a 4 door bathtub fan but the Custom 8 is an impressive car. I could live with the bathtub look on a Custom 8 or Custom 8 LWB car.

Not sure about this one.

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The two-door Super Deluxe was produced in lower numbers than any of the other 23rd-series models-- including the convertible. Besides the eggcrate grill, 23rd-series Supers shared the longer 127 wheelbase with the Custom. The added length ahead of the windshield really helps the proportions, in my view. Yes, the bumper is incorrect, but otherwise the car looks remarkably complete. Items like the long quarter-panel trim are unique to two-doors (and convertibles) and hard to come by.

A few years ago I acquired a photo of one of these Super Eight coupes, modified for stock-car racing and sponsored by a Milwaukee Packard Dealership. Judging by the photo, the car probably wasn't more than a couple of years old at the time. A neat-looking racer, but looking back, it seems kind of a shame considering how scarce that body style is today. Someone needs to buy that car! lol


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Thanks for adding the photo. I agree, if you are correct and I see no reason you wouldn't be (I'm no Packard expert, that's why I post here) then that makes this an attempt by Packard to sell "Customs" for less $$.

The 127 inch wheelbase, now that you mention it, makes it a decent looking car. Not great, but nicer.

My 2 issues are $3000 and San Antonio. I am in Iowa so you can dial in $1000 for transport. $3000 seems fair for such a rare car with the cache this car has.

But $3000 buys a LOT of non convertible project car in this soft economy.

I have seen Custom 8's going for much less and there is a 46 Clipper Custom 356 higher up for $1950 obo.

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Adding ad in case it drops off Craigs List and is lost.

1950 PACKARD SUPER DELUXE - $3000 (San Antonio area)


2 Door fast back coupe. 327 CI/150HP 23 series. This is one of 365 coupes made in 1950. Motor turns free. Car needs restoring.

$3,000 cash

Call: Glyn Baldwin



  • <!-- CLTAG GeographicArea=San Antonio area -->Location: San Antonio area

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Looked at a '50 a month or two ago. Thought it was a nice looking car. The owner stripped all the chrome from the car, sanded and primered spots and THEN got an estimate to do the chrome. He then tossed the undone chrome in the trunk and pushed the car back into the barn. Sadly, it was a nice original car before he stripped it.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Keith Bedogni

This car will eventually be shipped to New Zealand. I bought it a few months ago and it is stored in Albuquerque before it gets shipped to NZ. It will reside beside a 1948 Packard Custom 8 Convertible,1953 Packard Caribbean and a 1955 Packard 400.

From my research only 359 Super Deluxe Coupes were manufactured in 1950.

It has the wrong front bumper. The 1950 used a solid design rather tthan than the two piece 48 early 49 bumper. There is only a handful of these coupes left.

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Glad to hear you got this one but hate to see it go out of the U.S. for good. On the other hand, it serves the OLD CAR HOBBY right when a perfectly good solid Texas project for so little money get ignored and this has to happen.

I would be interested to know if this post helped you locate the car and purchase it. With one post, you may not return to this forum though.

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Guest Killerbunny

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very old ad. Ads don't stay on Craigs List forever Killer....you should know that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest engines-aero

The 1950 Super Eight Deluxe No 23 was, by the way, raced as a current model car throughout 1950 and is pictured on page 119 of the new Packard book, Packard 1948 To 1950.

Robert Nel

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Keith Bedogni

Glad to hear you got this one but hate to see it go out of the U.S. for good. On the other hand, it serves the OLD CAR HOBBY right when a perfectly good solid Texas project for so little money get ignored and this has to happen.

I would be interested to know if this post helped you locate the car and purchase it. With one post, you may not return to this forum though.

No , I found it on Craiglist.My friend in Albuquerque looked at car and hauled to Alb for me. I search Craigslist sites regularily. We collect finned MOPARs and AMC . The car is still stored in Albuquerque as we have a few cars to ship home before this one.

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