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unknown Lasalle???

Guest Ludwighans

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Guest Ludwighans


I´m a new member here. I´m being searching by months all over internet the Lasalle model (plymouth I guessed:D) of the attached pictures. An old guy is seeling it to me and I want to know what am I buying and if it´s worth it. He´s asking $3000 dlls...I know I will spend a lot more restoring it, but it could be a special model...I don´t really know

Everything is on shape, only missing one spare tire, some parts of the grille and seats, sealing,doorhandles etc...little rust.

...questions, comments, guesses in order to continue my serach will be well recieve...

thanks in advance!

hans<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>






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nice car, well worth the 3K, but just remember that the restoration cost for this is so high...20K chrome, 10K upholstery minimum, and so on....that's why project cars go begging these days...unless you can do a lot of work yourself and want to invest the time.. hard to justify...but...3K...no money..buy it

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Guest Ludwighans

Thank you for your time to respond!...

I´m in the worst parte of the process...selling the idea (after 3 cars) to the boss of my home... I guess she could live with a 4th one...:rolleyes:

..also the owner is trying to find the title..., the car has been sitting there more than 45 years...!..he doesnt remember where the papers are...


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  • 2 months later...
Guest Ludwighans

Im trying to find the chassis # of this car, but I found only the engine one on the front of it..is this correct. I looked in internet and some post said that it doesnt have a chassis #, is this correct? thn which #id number should be written in the title?

thank you


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Guest wombvette

Cadillacs like most cars of the era are identified by the engine number. That is the public ID number. It will have a chassis number but it was only for internal control. That number will likely be located on or near the front cross member brace on the driver side near the radiator support.

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Guest Jim_Edwards

I would suggest the car is a '31 model 345-A, of which there were several variations, impossible from the photos to determine which it is. Though having a number of variations there is little variation in the value.

I would think the car definitely worthy of restoration and if bought at the price suggested you will most likely come out a head of the game as the overall condition of the car does not make it appear to be a potential money pit. A bit dusty and a little rough here and there but no serious deterioration or metal damage apparent. Hopefully the hood louvers are still with it as those might well be a bit of a problem to replace. Their absence might well indicate the car had suffered overheating issues in the past.

"Principal features: Fender-mounted parking lights, [easy ID = single-bar bumpers + either 1930 hood louvers or new vertical vent doors], smaller, 18" wheels, twin, horizontal, round tail-light with LH number-plate stanchion, narrow hood louvers of 1930 replaced in April 1931 with five larger louver doors, Syncro-Mesh clashless transmission, mechanical 4-wheel brakes, Safety glass all round. adjustable front seat, heron or Goddess hood ornament optional ($20), chrome-plated radiator screen (copied from Cadillac V16), chrome wheel discs optional ($10), choice of trunks, from $104-160, Pilot Ray complementary front lighting, Lorraine spotlight optional for $37.50 (3000' range), battery under front seat (formerly mounted on running board), air-cleaner and flame arrester for carburetor."


This is a potentially very valuable car as the number of survivors of the 10,095 produced are very few.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ludwighans



I appreciate your time to discribe the features and give me an advice about it. I have certain knowledge about cars, mid 60´s, Ford, VW, GM but definitely not from these years and this kind. I like it a lot!


Finnaly during the weekend I will take it home, wash it and taking pictures in order to start a list to get the original parts and check out the all mechanical parts!

I´ll post more pictures with questions later, but after a deep search in internet.!



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hopefully the owner can get a duplicate title from the state if he cannot find the origional title... $3000. is a very good price... I suggest just clean it up and do what's necessary to get it mechanically servicable and reliable and don't worry about 'restoring' it... just drive it and enjoy!!

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