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Portholes I haven't seen before

Guest sintid58

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Guest sintid58

I have seen portholes on all kinds of vehicles before even a Toyota Tundra but this is a first. Maybe when we get our new truck later this summer we will have to add some like this guy did.


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When the last-gen Roadmasters came out, there were some Portholes advertised in "The Bugle" (with a picture of them on a station wagon), but they were about $150.00 for the set of 8. To do the factory ones on the last-gen Park Avenue, even pricier and would require some work on the fenders they would be installed on.

About 2 or 3 years ago, I was in a local WalMart's automotive section when I saw stylized Portholes hanging on j-hooks . . . some oval and some more squared-off. And they were INEXPENSIVE, but came in sets of six. Then, they started turning up EVERYWHERE, on non-GM vehicles, as if they were the newest customizing craze of the 21st century! Easy, self-adhesive installation, too! Some looked good, others were less so, by observation.

I wonder if everybody that bought them knew of their origin? If so, there are LOTS of younger Buick fans out there! But they do look better than the multitude of "wings" styles on the deck lid of import vehicles (typically).

Those Porthole Lights look great, Rooster!



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Actually the truth be known, there are no lights in there --- yet.

The illumination is from my camera flash :D

The red reflectors are a cut out from the stuff we use at work to put on power poles to recognize the existence of a fire hydrant at night. The port holes catch attention at night with the headlights from other cars. They also work quite well during the day with the sun shining onto them.

Was going to put some LEDs in there as well but haven't got around to that at this point.

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Guest gunjeep444

I found 4 round reflectors at a garage sale that are just a bit too large, will sand them down. Also came with some square ones I may be able to cut into circles to fit inside. Should be fun! Just got my 56 Roadmaster taillight frame I got on ebay for $15, only bad part on the whole car, so lucky to find that. Still need the inside chrome piece though, mine has a dent in it.

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Guest gunjeep444

I got them in, I think they look cool. Did not mention it to the wife, will see if she notices.

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