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Using joomla for chapter web page

Guest hgthoms

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Guest hgthoms

I have been told that we can use joomla for our chapter web pages. Has anyone done so? Where can we find out how to go about using joomla? I had been using FrontPage, but that computer has died.


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Yes, a few of the webmasters are using it. I am experimenting with it but have a few technical hurdles to overcome yet.

You will have to get a website that will support joomla if you are using the AACA website as it does not support it. I think ours cost about $50 for two years. Contact Peter Gariepy for details.

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I am using Jommla for 2 of the 3 AACA web sites I maintain. One is our Region web site (Brass-Nickel Touring Region) and the other is the AACA75th web site. I was also using Front Page, which I found very easy to use. I have not found the same to be true for Joomla. I have bought several books that turned out not to be all that helpful. I spend hours on-line looking for solutions.

There are some things I like about Joomla. However, Joomla is very structured and seems to be designed for web sites that want all their pages to look the same. I do not like that so I guess that is why the conversion has been such a struggle. After a year of working of with it, I am just now beginning to get somewhat comfortable with it. I suppose given enough time I will like it.

Don't mean to sound so negative. Just because it has been a struggle for me, don't shy away from it. It might come easier to you. Peter G. is also just an email away and is a great resource. Also, if you have a problem don't forget to post here. Those of using Joomla might be able to help.

Good luck!


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I'm saying up front, I'm ignorant when it comes to web sites. I could not create a front page publication, if my life depended on it. That being said, the Northern Neck Region has been without a webmaster since son, Mike, found the music scene in the big city. (Lord help Mom and Dad, when he finds women:p) So, we're trying to get a new webmaster set up for our region. I got a new password from our new president yesterday and started to do some preliminary work on the site, last updated April-2008. After Mike showed me a couple of things needed to get newsletters uploaded and having written the instructions down, I proceeded to upload a year and a half of PDF newsletters on our web site in 2 hours, tops. That's about 19 newsletters. Fast and easy!

I then went in and cleaned out the 2008 calendar in preparation for new updates, to be added soon.

I'm saying right now that I could not design a web site, but I can upload info, as most anyone could with the Front Page program that we're using. PeterG said that Microsoft is not going to update or make anymore Front Page type programing for web use. What a pity! But, me being an old farm boy and hardly ever throwing away anything (The first wife might disagree!:eek::)), I will be using Front Page until it ceases to operate.

I'm too old to learn anything new, or is that too lazy? :)


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Wayne - for a car guy, you should know that FTP stands for Ford Thunderbird Passenger. Software is for what your underwear becomes when you soak it a lot.

Really Wayne, you need to update your knowledge if you are going to be successful in your field. It must be nice to play with trucks all day.

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Bill, to be successful, one must know his limitations.

I know diddly about computers and web sites, hence, the reason I'm on this forum hoping to learn something of value. :confused:;)

Already know about trucks: they're expensive, burn a lot of fuel, and make lots of smoke when you hot rod them....whoops, strike that last comment.:D


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Guest mystarcollectorcar.com

I've used Joomla on my site since Day 1-I had some growing pains, particularly with the size of the pictures (you have to respect the format).

Now it's fairly routine and I haven't had anything that's stopped me for months.

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