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Changing spin on filters

Barney Eaton

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Getting ready for a trip I and changed the oil (in the Rendezvous) it has a filter that you can see but is difficult to access. When you remove the filter, it drains directly onto the engine cradle and makes a mess. I have tried several things......but yesterday, for some reason, I tried a plastic cup and was overjoyed with the results.

First I loosened the filter until it could be turned by hand, but had yet to start leaking down the side. I slid a clear 32 oz drink cup over the filter until it hit the filter adaptor.

Then by grasping the cup, squeezing and turning, I could unscrew the filter.

The oil started leaking down the side of the filter and every drop was captured in the cup. I gave it some time to stop leaking. Then fully unscrewed the filter while still in the cup.

This was the cleanest filter change that I have done on this car since new and

will stock up on clear plastic cups.

The clear cup allows you to see the oil and tell when it has stopped leaking.

Below is a photo of a filter in a 32 oz and 24 oz cup. The 24 might work for cars1988-1990 Reattas where the filter is exposed and hangs straight. I have yet to try it on a 1991, as the '91 has a similar problem with the oil draining on the engine cradle.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Attached Thumbnails</LEGEND></FIELDSET>


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