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Cars to ID


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On the right is a Winton from about 1903. In the middle looks to be a Duryea also about 1903. These had a really wierd control system, all done with a single 'joystick' - steering included. Behind the Winton is a 1903 White steamer. The one on the left is still a mystery at this stage. I wonder if any more of these had their picture taken that day.

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It was the lack of an obvious steering wheel or tiller that led me to think Duryea. My copy of The Standard Catalog of American Cars has several pics of Duryeas - one can only assume that they are correctly identified - and it would appear that almost no two were the same. Some early ones have a transverse front spring, some have full elliptics and this one http://www.papasbarn.com/duryea/myphoto1.gif

has quarter elliptics. There is one pic in the Standard Catalog of a car with a front mounted radiator. There was a restored example of one of these in NZ some years ago. It is the central control system that I especially remember.

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That is a nice clear pic Grandpa - thanks. I ran this by the HCFI Library who thought it might be an Autocar but checking the pics in The Standard Catalog it can't be, as Autocar was still using a form of tiller steering in 1904 and then went straight to left hand drive. As well the Autocars of this era had fewer but larger louvres on the hood sides. As far as I can work out there was no Arrow car in '02/'03. The car at the top left of this last pic might be an early Pierce but then again it could be any one of many makes who aped the Mercedes/Fiat style radiator. I am guessing this picture was taken in 1904?

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