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A Requiem for Pontiac


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When the automobile industry became enamored with being called "brands," rather than Motor Car Companies, it began the downward spiral that ended up where we are today. Brand-management wienies flocked to Detroit like so many lemmings, thinking they could wave a wand and work the same "magic" they did with tortilla chips, baby wipes, and douche bags.

It still makes my skin crawl when I hear them refer to our beloved marques, brandishing their limp, lame marketing philosophies like so many disposable tampons...

<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Touche!</span></span>

Gotta go, my blood pressure's at the BOILING point!


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Guest Orphanauto

I just read that "GM planning to kill off Pontiac brand" Although I have never had a Pontiac, or even a Ford, Gm product, nor Chrsyler. ( Studebakers, Packards, basically orphancars ). I hate to see Pontiac go. They do have really nice cars, and a great History. I'd love to have the 2 seater Solstice.

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What a waste......a waste of heritage, a waste of 80 years of brand building. I STILL contend that Pontiac, unlike some other Big 3 brands, actually still has some remnant of brand identity with the public, some "We Build Excitement" spirit remains even though the inept "brand manager" types have done all they could to strip it away with weak product.

It is all about product, and people want something to build pride in their purchase. If Pontiac (or Buick) still offered impressive enough products none of this would be a problem. GM says they cannot justify making a Firebird version of the new Camaro, but no problem marketing a G3, Vibe, or Torrent, whatever THAT is. It is all a disgrace-- with a little sharp product Pontiac could be a billion dollar a year brand. Sloan, Knudsen and DeLorean must be spinning in their graves.

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Yes, look at what this ad says. It says we at GM are working every year to give you MORE! More choices, improvements, engineering advances, more room, automatic transmissions, luxury, technical research, every year MORE! Not less, not hard plastic interiors, not less color and trim, not laying off engineers, not de-contenting and nickel and dimeing. Which approach makes people eager to spend their money? People want to upgrade and spend the money on something that makes them feel good about their purchase. The bean counters knew so little about that and drove the product "sizzle" into the ground. And as bad as they have been imagine what government burecrats will be like? Horrendous!

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I can't say that I am surprized. The only surprize is that I thought Buick and GMC truck would be gone first. Much better to drop all the divisions rather than actually giving them interesting product to sell. Who knows what might happen if they did that.

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