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Strong driving penalty .....


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Virginia fine and penalty for driving over 100 mph (doesn't include resulting increased insurance costs - that is if you can get insured):

"In Virginia it's a fine of up to $2,500 and mandatory jail time. Some states like Florida and New York use a sliding scale for speeds up to 50 mph over the limit. Many including Oregon enforce mandatory license suspensions".*

*AOL News

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Guest CL_Reatta

EDBSO might spring in here, but I believe the fines in Ontario are like outrageous for simply doing like 160km in a 100km zone, I forgot the actual penalty though


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In Missouri, there is no such mandatory fine for anything over 100 as far as I know. We use the fairly common system of increased fines for each 5 or 10 MPH over the posted limit.

That said, I think most municipalities invite you for an overnight stay if you exceed 60 MPH over the posted speed on an interstate, or at least pull your license and give you a yellow sheet (copy of the ticket). Obviously, on city/side streets the threshold is probably much lower. I cannot speak from experience thankfully.

Heck, for $2500 one could buy another Reatta. My advice, unless you're at the track, slow it down. I can't see the need to do over 100 on any normal roadway. Yes, I've hit the mid 90's on a stretch of rural interstate from time to time, but over 100 is just uncomfortably fast in that setting.


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Guest CL_Reatta

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KDirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I can't see the need to do over 100 on any normal roadway. Yes, I've hit the mid 90's on a stretch of rural interstate from time to time, but over 100 is just uncomfortably fast in that setting.

KDirk </div></div>

Dont know how many readers here have an experience with I-696, but as Phil puts it, it is Michigan's version of the autobahn. Speeds there regularly are in the high 80's low 90's range and at time hit around 100.... its pretty crazy all in a suburban environment.

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Until recently there was a stretch of Florida's Turnpike that ran from Ft. Pierce to Orlando, over 100 miles, with one exit (Yeehaw Junction where it crossed 441).

Cruising speeds, particularly late at night, were rather high and as long as you were alert (once described by a Highway Patrolman as "if I can get within 1/4 mile of your car and you do not notice me, you get a ticket.") everyone got along.

Until the early 60s, open highway limits were just "Reasonable and Proper", like (and for the same reasons as) Nevada.

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Whenever I get in the wide open areas I just look for a semi and run with him. I don't tailgate, I just hang back about a 1/4 mile and watch that I don't gain or fall back from him...

Never got a ticket this way and made some pretty good time.

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Guest Reatta1

In Oregon if you get tagged doing over 100 you go to jail and an automatic loss of license. Can't remember if it's permanent. will have to look it up. We got a stretch of highway here in central Oregon that is loooong and straight. I'll confess, I have hit 125 or so on it a few times. The Reatta will do 130 there but the Park Avenue shuts down at 110. Haven't had the Regal topped out there yet but it's over 125. They just don't want you to have any fun anymore!!

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Programmed limit is usually based on the tires the car came with. In the case of the LeSabre this was probably T rated.

At present the highest speed rating is Y - 186 mph and why that is the top speed of many supercars.

For the Reatta, it is two bytes (fuel cutoff speed and fuel resume speed) in the PROM.

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