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A nice little shindig

Guest Merchant Xpress

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Guest Merchant Xpress

We got a call the other night from a gentleman who got our name through the DB club. The man introduced himself as Bill Leuer and he invited us to a shindig he was holding at his home this Saturday. It was a little bit of a cruise in from the looks of the cars parked in front of his place but it was also just a good get together of people interested in DB's, Bill has a pretty good collection and many of his friends brought their cars to display them. His property is a small version of what Knotts Berry farm and Calico Ghost towns used to be. A little narrow guage railway running around his property and a blacksmith shop and saloon and other related buildings filled with antiques. There were so many people wandering around I never figured out who our host was but I sure do appreciate him inviting us to his place.


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Guest Merchant Xpress

Yeah, I thought about that after I left the camera in my truck. I guess I had a big case of DUH today. Next year if I'm invited back I will drive the DB to his meet. There were way to many Fords parked in front of his place.


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Guest Merchant Xpress

Warren, great pictures, that man has some collection doesn't he? The funny thing is many of the things he had in his buildings I have in my garage, lanterns and kerosene heaters, in the building across from the saloon was a Franklin stove exactly like the one we use to heat our den. Did you ride on the FWD truck? I liked the DB army personel carrier with the fifty caliber machine gun on the turret. I was just reading an article about setting up an air system like he had to simulate the firing, pretty cool.


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Guest baldwin

By the time I was able to reel my tongue back in my mouth, they were pretty much done with the fwd truck so I did not see much of that. It is unbelievable the collection he has there. It was a really fun day. Cant wait for next year!!!!!!

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Guest Merchant Xpress

The owner of the property also hosts antique truck association meetings at his place from what I understand and the my friend tells me he attended a meeting at the mans place a few years back when the California Rental Association rented his place for a dinner meeting. It's good to see his hobby and collection brings a little return to him. I'm hoping he hosts a DB meeting so I can go again and meet him.


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Guest Merchant Xpress

I look forward to meeting him someday. It seems like anyone who puts that much effort into someplace to entertain people might be a lot of fun to know. That and he has a pretty good collection of DB cars.


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