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Board of Director Candidates Wanted

Bill Stoneberg

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Once again, it is time to look for new Board of Director Candidates to help run the BCA.

What does this take you might ask ? It takes a love of Buicks and a desire to help the BCA grow and prosper. It takes the ability to communicate via email and to have an opinion on a variety of subjects affecting the BCA. It takes new ideas to streamline procedures and save money. It takes the ability to talk to others about the virtues of joining or remaining in the BCA. It takes the ability to travel twice a year to a BOD meeting held in various places including once at the national meet. It takes the desire to sometimes step up and do a job maybe nobody else wants to do. It takes the desire to write a 1 page resume and take a picture and mail it to Pete Phillips by Feb 15th. It takes the writing skills and ideas to convince the 1,000 or so voters who vote every year that you are a candidate of choice.

Thats all it takes, if you have any questions about the procedure or what we do, please contact me or any of the other BOD members. We are looking for people who want to help and desire a challenge in their life.

Personally, I have been on the BOD for 3 years now and its my time to run for re-election. I cant imagine not doing it. The sense of satisfaction you get working with the people involved with Buicks can't be beat.

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As I told someone who telephoned me this week about possibly running for the BCA Board, I would add that it's a good idea for a candidate to have attended at least one BCA national meet. This is because so much of what you do and vote on and make policy for during the year is for the running of the club's national meet. It's not a requirement, but I think anyone who had never attended a BCA national meet, would feel lost on the BCA Board.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, Texas

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Guest my3buicks

I think it also needs to be noted that it would usually and often be a thankless job. That the politics involved can be overwhelming and overbearing. But that if you are into the BCA and into Buick's it can be very rewarding despite the pit bulls, I mean pitfalls.

We have been very fortunate in the present and past to have had some exemplary member's on the board and running the BCA, along with some stinkers. I often think new blood on the board via newer members are beneficial to the club as they can bring new ideas that are not steeped in the tradition and status quo that so often accompanies board of directors that have been long time members, or are the right hand of someone going off the board. Of course YOUNGER board members could be of great value to the BCA to inject some fresh new ideas and technology.

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Being on the BCA board is a great experience. There are 9 members, and 3 are up for election each year. We tend to have older members because it seems the younger people don't have the time (jobs and family do consume your time)

It also requires that you attend the board meeting. Presently we are having 2 meetings per year. One at the National Meet and the other has been at the site of the next National Meet...this gives us a chance to visit and review the upcoming meet and verify that everything is organized and ready for the show.

You learn about spending (and saving) the clubs money. You learn that not everyone is happy with your decisions. You learn there are lots and lots of great Buick people out there and most of them will do anything to help the club.

We do need you to think about running for the BCA board.

If not this year, can you work it into your schedule next year? You will never forget the experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of today, I have received a photo and write-up from only ONE BCA Board candidate for the April election. There is one week left in the deadline, and there are three seats on the BCA Board which are coming up for election. The election photos and write-up(s) will appear in the April issue of the Buick Bugle magazine.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Editor, The Buick Bugle


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