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Nice inheritance

Steve Braverman

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To quote that article:

"It is absolutely one of the last great barn discoveries..."

How many of us have wondered about what is still out there yet to be rediscovered?? There must be many more great ones out there, and I still think an "unknown" J Duesenberg will appear at some point.

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Guest abh3usn

It's annoying how the media and folks who are not into antique cars only care about how much something is worth. However, the president of our M.G. club was recently 'given' a MGA because someone researched the MGA they had lying in a barn on property they inhereted. He ended up buying the car for a very reasonable amount. This would not have happened if it wasn't for the clubs web presence. So, I suppose it works both ways.

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Guest Paul Christ

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Roger Walling</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Thats not such a good prize, I know of a guy that won a brand new Plymouth that was in storage for 50 years!

(I understand the hub caps were still like new and only needed a cleaning!) (:-( </div></div>

Roger, could you be thinking about this <span style="font-style: italic"> Dodge</span>?


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Guest elmo39

The report on this was in our evening paper here in NZ last night, acording to the report there was also an E type Jaguar along with two other cars which i'm sorry i can't remember ,and my wife has thrown the paper out.

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