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Reatta issue of the Bugle

Barney Eaton

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This is probably not going to win me any good guy points, but then again I have an opinion I don't want to keep to myself, so I'll take that shot.

I understand that the forum we participate in/on is not technically part of the BCA or the Reatta division. And that participation on the forum is entirely free. But I also believe that this forum wouldn't exist if not for the AACA.

However having said that, both the BCA and the Reatta division need members to generate funds to be able to put out promotions,shows and magazines.

I found this forum about 2 months before I bought my Reatta. The information I have recieved here[at no cost] is immeasurable. I think that $30.00 for a 1 years membership to the BCA and $10.00 to the Reatta Division for 2 years is an extremly small price to pay, especially now that in the latest edition our car is featured.

This is what I propose...

I would charge members $10.00 and non-members $40.00 for the first edition and then $5.00 for any additional editions they would want. For that $40.00 they would also get membership in both the BCA and the Reatta Division.

Pony up guys...

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Dave you are right and there was some discussion as to what to charge, the fact of the matter is that no matter what you charge there will always be non joiners. The Bugle will mean a lot to some of us in the future and will be tossed out for others. The BCA and the Reatta Club serves as a vehicle for everyone to meet face to face and form friendships at meets so you dont have to go it alone. It is always good to see new people and old friends year after year. Those who choose to be non joiners will always stay strangers and miss the fun times. I have never met a Reatta owner that I have not liked and Kathy and I would not miss a National meet because we didnt want to belong. It is time for everybody to join up and and have some fun.

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Guest imported_Flash

Was unable to promote any of the photos I took in Flint until the December issue was mailed. If I shot your car at either the Hotel or in front of Whiting, and you would like to see what I have - you can send me an email.

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Dave touched on a point that I would like to clarify.

Yes, anyone can register and participate in this forum.

It would be nice if more of you were members of the BCA and Reatta division, but that is not a requirement. What does happen, is information is published in the Bugle and the Reatta newsletter before it is posted here. (at least by most Reatta division members) That is one incentive for joining the Reatta division.

The second point, everyone here is here because the BCA pays an annual fee for its site and the Reatta division does the same for the Reatta part of the discussion.

So each Reatta division member contributes a small amount so the remainder of you can join us at this forum.

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I wanted to mention that it was nice to se a picture of my former Reatta published in the most Recent Bugle - in the edition featuring this special Buick we all appreciate. Even better to see that it went to a good home and an actively involved member. Here goes the main reason for my post on the thread... It was purchased by Chuck Kerls (BooReatta) and is on page 27. He bought it a couple years ago. I'm the person referred to in the "Modern Collectible" article who lives in Detroit, posted it on eBay and Chuck was the buyer who purchased it sight unseen, although I did post about 20 very good pictures and wrote a detailed description. Glad to read that the transaction helped (as you wrote) "restore your faith in mankind." I am a car collector and believe you must be honest in particular related to the cars you own when you go to sell them. My reason for selling was I acquired a new car at the time which caused another storage dilemma, also wanted to sell it knowing that I wanted a '91 convertible one day when I found the right one.

Since selling the Reatta Chuck now owns, he's named it T-Mader, I have purchased a '91 Reatta, found locally, so unlike Chuck I was able to see it in person prior to buying. It's the one featured on the recent Reatta newsletter which about participating in the GM 100th anniversary parade here in Detroit. So Chuck... thanks for adding your insight to this outstanding edition of the Bugle, and allowing me to hear about the car, see a picture and learn about how it is doing, it's new name and most importantly letting me know that it is with a Reatta lover.

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If you factor in freight it would be the cost of a BCA membership.

Maybe the Reatta club should suspend sales and every so often sell one one e-bay. That would raise more money for the club and still be fair to all.

Who outside the club could complain that this idea is not fair when they have chosen not to belong?

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