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Your thoughts on book binding the service manuals

Guest alex_houston

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Guest alex_houston

I have finally aquired the last of the 4 Reatta service manuals. The '89 was a hard find.

Now I am considering having all 4 bound book version similar to what someone else here had done. My '88, a perfect, new looking book actually broke in half one day. The covers of the other 3 show wear.

Do you think a complete book bound set is more valuable than a worn set of originals? Any input as to cost you have encountered and suggestions?


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 89REATTAJIM</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Alex, there is a post by "ENOYTSUR" dated March 2008 regarding having the Manuals covered. Check it out. I'm sure he would be willing to help you out.... Jim </div></div>The information supplied by Enoytsur can be found here.

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